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A Warning to US - Part Two |
Monday, August 14, 2006 |
 Earlier this month, I wrote the first part of this two-part series. You check out the first part by clicking this link. Read it and keep that image in your head because if we sit idly by and do nothing or continue with policies that have shown to be useless on these issues below, it could very well be a scene that we will see on CNN and FOXNEWS one day. And now, the conclusion. The stage is setting upThe deplorable attacks this country witnessed in September of 2001 by now should have taught most Americans and the rest of the West that sitting idly by until our enemy becomes strong enough to make a rock-solid case to attack them is extremely unwise. Instead of taking charge against radical Islam during the Clinton administration, this country allowed our enemies overseas to fester and grow in size, strength and vision. Numerous times, the President had the option of using minimal military force to target and quite possibly kill Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and in each and every one of those moments, the President failed to do the right thing and blast the terrorist mastermind. As a result, bin Laden was able to live to die another day (hopefully sometime soon) but not before unleashing a massive terrorist attack against the United States on September 11. It came out of nowhere, was unexpected and was devastating both to the American people and the image of American power and hegemony. Instead of properly defending its borders, the US decided to play a cat-and-mouse game with the various radical Islamic groups out there. (bin Laden's al Qaeda included.) The results of that policy are pretty clear - there are huge holes that still exist in the middle of New York City, a field in Pennsylvania and one that was repaired on the side of the Pentagon. Right now, the world once again is bearing witness to a conflict in the Middle East between Israel and radical Islam. Much like the United States' pre-9/11 policy regarding radical Islam, Israel decided to take the pacifist route, forcing Jewish citizens out of their state- and God-given home in the West Bank in hopes of securing some type of peace with Palestine. Since then, terrorist group Hamas was elected to power in Palestine and an Israeli soldier was kidnapped by Hamas, forcing Israel to send forces into the Gaza Strip to recover him. Not long after that, a Hezbollah group based out of Lebanon kidnapped two soldiers, forcing Israel to send troops up north to recover them as well. Had Israel and the US taken a tougher stance against radical Islam and terrorist nations, it is possible that September 11 and the current war in the Middle East might not have occurred. Sadly, that did not occur and this world witnessed great evil nearly five years ago (wow... sure doesn't feel like that now, does it?) and is witnessing yet another conflict between Israel and its neighbors that, sadly, has taken the lives of innocent civilians in Israel and Lebanon. Our enemies are continuing to strengthenWhile this country continues to allow itself to splitter itself further regarding the handling of the War on Terrorism and radical Islam with guys like former presidential candidate John Kerry spouting lies about how he would have handled the situation in the Middle East better, America's enemies have continued to build up their stockpiles and military strength. Earlier this month, news came out than Iran was working with North Korea on improving its long-range missiles and building the necessary bases to fire those weapons from. To the south near the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), the North Koreans have begun deploying short-range missiles that could hit Japan if they were launched. An alliance between Iran and North Korea is a very dangerous one - Iran wants nukes, the Koreans have them. Iran has the ability to improve those weapons, the Koreans want their help. Iran and the Koreans both hate the United States and her allies. But the problem of Iran does not end with their hand in improving the North Korean weapons system. The Iranians have openly admitted that they supplied weapons to Hezbollah in its battle against Israel and Iranian soldiers have been found amid the Hezbollah dead. This should come as no surprise for those who have followed the The time to make a move is now I wrote not long ago about how the time was right to attack Iran. I still feel that the United States should abandon the absurd push for a cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah. This country has always held that we do not negotiate with terrorists but apparently that policy has been thrown out the window. Perhaps that is because the United Nations is heading up the plan for peace (that I guarantee you - WILL NOT LAST) in the Middle East however the world has already seen the mighty power of the UN back when the United States, United Kingdom and a coalition of other countries made the case for attacking Iraq. The UN dropped the ball even though they knew that Saddam Hussein was a terror to his own people and was in possession of weapons of mass destruction that were recovered late June. Simply put, you cannot spell the word UNNECESSARY without UN. Those placing hopes on the United Nations to be able to find Hezbollah and capture/kill their members really need a reality check. The UN is a powerless organization - there is a reason that Saddam openly violated 16 UN Resolutions - they mean nothing! Therefore, it is our job to protect our interests overseas. We must abandon the brainless cease-fire push because it will not bring an end to conflict between Israel and radical Islam. It will not bring an end to Hezbollah. It will not do a single thing but give a breath of fresh air to an organization that was being cut down piece by piece by the much superior Israeli military. It is in our best interests to eliminate the roots of the problem - Iran and North Korea. We have the right to being to being the most powerful nation in the world and should use that power before the enemy uses theirs. We could wake up one morning to find that the Iranians have launched a nuclear weapon given to them by the North Koreans upon Israel. Tel Aviv could be wiped off the map in an instant. By no means does this mean that we should send troops into Iran. Ask the Iraqis how well that went in the past. Yikes. We should send the Navy in and blast every strategic position in Iran. (While trying to keep civilian casualties at a minimal.) If they retaliate, we deal with them by launching more missiles upon the rest of their weapons caches. If they attack Israel or Iraq, it is highly believable that the international community will join in the cause and defend Iraq and Israel from Iran. If not, the US and Israel have enough firepower to handle the Iranians. Unfortunately at the same time, we must deal with the threat coming from North Korea. It is highly possible that the Iranians have been working with the Koreans on making a long range nuclear weapon that could blow Los Angeles off of the map. As previously mentioned, we cannot allow our enemies to attack us again like they did on September 11. The time to act is now. If we send the Navy in a position to destroy North Korea's nuclear weapons and other missile locations, we can severely cripple their ability to threaten the United States, South Korea and Japan. Like Iran, if the North decides to take action in response, it is highly probable that the South and Japan will join our cause because they both are in serious danger from the North Korean threat and, like us, do not want to see one of their cities go under a mushroom cloud.  Now, I know people will wonder if I am crazy about this. Honestly take a moment to think about it. We tried diplomacy with Iraq for years and years during the Bush I, Clinton and Bush II presidencies and nothing came from those talks. You cannot talk logic with illogical and borderline (if not already) insane people. Saddam Hussein, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Ill (yes, I included an extra "l" there for a reason) and Iranian "president" Mahmoud AhMADinejad are all people who fall under this mode. They are quite similar in mind to that of Adolf Hitler - they knew what they wanted and would stop at nothing in achieving those goals. If it meant slowing them down to work for "diplomacy" - so be it. How many times did the international community attempt to work the policies of diplomacy and appeasement with Hitler? Where did it lead? Exactly. We tried to sit back and hope that Osama bin Laden would change his mind about things during the Clinton administration and the results of that plan are quite clear. You cannot talk logic with an enemy that cares less for their own lives. If Hussein, AhMADinejad and Ill were offered the option of death if it meant that they could see the entire United States in flames, I would be willing to bet that they would take that deal. Same went for Hitler - "if you could see the rest of the world under control and the Jews dead, would you take it, Mr. Hitler?" I imagine he wouldn't have to take a breath before answering that question. "Of course!" Thus, action must occur to remove these folks from office and ensuring that their countries understand that what their former leaders supported will not be tolerated. And don't act like this is anything new. This has been talked about for a while now and with the dominos falling as they are, the time to act is now, not later. Would you rather see Los Angeles in flames before finally deciding to deal with the North Korean threat? Would you rather see Tel Aviv in flames before finally deciding to deal with the Iranian threat? (Flag Photo Credit: Blake Fought, Cartoons Photo Credit: http://steelturman.typepad.com/) |
posted by Blake Fought @ 8/14/2006 05:54:00 PM  |
Hm. It is a tough and hard-nosed plan but do you really think we could pull of handling Iran and North Korea at the same time? To me, it seems like too much to be putting on our belt.
good lord....first of all, we hardly sat by and let our enimies "fester" and grow more powerful under the Clinton Admin. I do believe clinton ordered airborn strikes in Afgahnistan at least twice if not more. Secondly, war here war there, civilian casualities are not somthing to be kept at a minimum....the SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. These are things we take forgranted. Driveby shootings are similar to what you are intending to impliment here...We bomb stratigic local and bam! problem solved....and as long as we don't kill to many people that weren't terrorists, its all good. We have to realize that there are people in North Korea, Lebanon, and Iran alike that have had no intentions of blowing anything up. We kill their family in a mistaken air raid and I can garentee that they soon will have intentions.... Forgive me if you redeemed yourself later in the article, but I couldn't read it any longer...the "we gotta blowem up" rambo thing was really getting to me. Please, use your imagination and think of another solution to this problem....PS: the "they are all bloody savages and you can't do anything but kill em" line is a cop out.... Cheers, from a delighted reader! -James-
"we hardly sat by and let our enimies "fester" and grow more powerful under the Clinton Admin. I do believe clinton ordered airborn strikes in Afgahnistan at least twice if not more."
First off, the failure to remove Osama bin Laden or capture him by the Clinton Admin is well documented. Second - here is a good read about how good 'ole Bill did with protecting this nation during the time he was in the White House.
"Secondly, war here war there, civilian casualities are not somthing to be kept at a minimum....they SHOULD NOT HAPPEN."
Agreed. Problem is that they do tend to happen no matter how hard to you try to avoid them.
"We have to realize that there are people in North Korea, Lebanon, and Iran alike that have had no intentions of blowing anything up."
I am quite aware of that and thankfully so - if every single one of those country's citizens felt that way, we'd be in a much more serious pickle than the one we're in right now.
"We kill their family in a mistaken air raid"
There is always a possiblity of something like that happening but I think it is the wrong thing to assume that it will happen (I'm guessing from what you have here that you are). If it does, you explain via the media and the other resources you have that it was unintentional and we will do our best to assist the affected families as best we can.
"the "we gotta blowem up" rambo thing was really getting to me. Please, use your imagination and think of another solution to this problem"
What do you propose? I honestly believe that these guys are not far from using WMD on this nation or another one such as Israel. At what point do we quit trying to use diplomacy and defend ourselves? Before or after Hitler takes over the world? Before or after our houses lay in ruin?
"'they are all bloody savages and you can't do anything but kill em' line is a cop out"
How so? Certainly you do not think that guys like Hussein, Ahmadinejad and Il think logically and have every wire in their brain functioning properly, do you?
Well, when I mentioned the creative line of thought that might possibly be implimented, I simply asked you to dispose of the preconception that you had to either let them attack you or bomb them. Blake, I'm sure you're an intellegent guy, ever considered peace studies? It taught me quite a bit...Namaste....
By asking you to use your imagination and try to dispose of the preconcieved notion that you must either attack or be attacked was, in my opinion, not too intense a proposition. Now Blake, you seem like an inteligent fellow, ever considered peace studies??? Namaste blake...
I know what you mean and I really don't mean to come off as a war mongering lunatic - it's just I honestly believe that we could see one of our cities or a city in Israel go under. Being a firm subscriber to the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes in cases where diplomacy sure isn't going anywhere but delaying our side while our enemy pretends to be interested while they continue to strengthen, I find this to be one of those cases.
And don't get me wrong - I am a firm believer in peace and the peace process. The problem with this world is that sometimes that process does not work and you find yourself in the middle of a war (Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea I, Vietnam, Iraq I, Iraq II) Thus, we have to take the time to question how long diplomacy needs to be the primary option before we determine that it needs to be pushed aside because attempts at solving a solution through peaceful means isn't working.
For example, The President tried diplomacy with Iraq and tried his darndest to find a peaceful solution to the problem. When it was pretty clear that those efforts were going nowhere and that diplomacy was doing nothing (Hussein refused to destroy his WMD stockpile and had disobeyed 16 UN Resolutions and therefore cared less for diplomacy), he took action.
I believe we are entering that same position with North Korea and Iran (to a lesser extent than NK, though). Il gets nukes, then test-fires long range missiles pointed towards Hawaii (sure they failed but what if they had not?) and now he's working with the Iranians on making his weapons work properly and go longer distances. Am I the only one following the progression of this situation? (Imagine if he managed to strap nukes to those long-range missiles...)
I agree with Blake that the enemies we have are getting stronger but I am not totally sold on his plan of action. It would probably handle those enemies but I am not ready to abandon the peace process. Give it a little longer, Blake.
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Hm. It is a tough and hard-nosed plan but do you really think we could pull of handling Iran and North Korea at the same time? To me, it seems like too much to be putting on our belt.