America hoped that after President George W. Bush defeated Massachusetts radical liberal John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential election, collecting the most votes than any other President in US history, that Kerry would disappear into the woodwork for a while because clearly the majority of the nation did not like what he had to say. (
Or they simply though he was a red-handed liar with a falsified war record that earned him medals that he did not deserve - I prefer to charge him with both.)
But America would not end up being that lucky.
Recently, Kerry has decided to announce that if he were President instead of Bush, the current conflict in the Middle East would not have occured. This is incredible news. If Kerry were the President, a conflict that has raged on for more than 1000 years would suddenly come to a screeching stop because of his sheer power and influence.
You know what this means right?
It would mean that Kerry would do for the region what George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush could not do.
Wow. Kerry would end up being the greatest president ever.
(Photo Credit:
Millard Fillmore, lol, what a stupid name.