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Your Dose of Randomness, II
Friday, November 24, 2006
I was in somewhat of a writing mood tonight and wanted to work on something about the growing reason for concern about the Russia-Iran partnership, but it just wasn't forming. If you want to take a read on this storyline, here are two links for you all. But before dropping by those links, please take the time to take a look at some recent less-focused-on bizarre and random stories I found that have popped up around the news wires and Internet.

* - It's just the kind of scene that one can really marvel at. A young woman in Germany stood on the rooftop of a building some 230 feet from the ground and was planning to end her life by leaping off. Down on the ground were two groups of people--a bunch of teenagers who were encouraging the woman to jump and a slew of homeless people telling them to stop. Both groups began brawling after the homeless ones began yelling at the teens, telling them to stop encouraging the woman and to help her step away from her potential suicide. Some 40 people were involved in the fight. It was an interesting story to me--that homeless people, who have so little and live such a pitiful life, were trying to stop this poor woman from killing herself and forfeiting something of value that she had taken for granted.

* - Beware of the little green men? That's what former British Ministry of Defense Nick Pope, who warns that "aliens could attack at any time" and that "highly credible" UFO sightings have been dismissed as false. You know what? Forget this guy, it's time to contact the real experts--Mulder and Scully.

* - (This story is hard to understand unless you click the link itself, so please do so.) In a case of mistaken identity, a 17-year-old girl was held in jail for seven days after being mistaken for a woman who was wanted for robbery and looked a lot like her (strikingly so). The girl was released immediately after the real culprit was found after a tip was called into Crimstoppers.

* - Global warming = bad. Pollution = good? Some scientists have charged that air pollution may help curb the potential for global warming. The concept behind this bizarre theory charges that pollution, "deliberately spewed into the atmosphere" may help create a blanket that would "shade" the world from the sun's rays. So go out, dear readers--and pollute, pollute!

* - You really must feel sorry for President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin, when the two and various other world leaders had to wear the au dai, a Vietnamese unisex form of clothing that looks more like a cheap Halloween wizard suit than the elegant item it was overseas before the southeastern Asian country turned communist. (A picture of Bush and Putin in the au dai can be seen at the link.)

Previous editions of this series:
* - Edition 1--Oct. 15

Photo Credit: http://www.anjindesign.com/images/abstract/cool%20blue.JPG
posted by Blake Fought @ 11/24/2006 06:46:00 PM  
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