I was sitting back earlier today thinking about something to write for
RUnderground today and hit somewhat of a writer's block. I was thinking about writing a rant about the inconsistent grading systems for Virginia's high schools but I figured that I would save that for a latter date. I considered writing about the news that broke today about the foiled terrorist plot to destroy commercial airlines but I have not followed the details in depth on it yet nor is there much to write about on it - we already know that there will be new complications that will arise as a result of it but in what form they will come and how long they will last is anyone's guess. I then remembered that the
last Randomness article was about a month ago and indeed it was - posted back on the ninth of last month. For those who are not familar with this series, which started back last fall when I worked with Radford's other online magazine, it is about the news stories that seemed to have sneaked through the tickers, talk shows and articles throughout the news world. Thus, I have taken the time to delve through the trash heap of news to bring you, the dear readers, the less focused on bizzare and random stories of the past month. (
Yes, I took a shower afterward!) Enjoy!
* - Most folks enjoy heading out to the beach to get that summer tan. Most of those folks tan in a bathing suit, bikini or whatever form of beachwear that exposes most skin as possible without showing that which is not for the public to see. Thus, there is a small contingent of people who decide to tan in the buff. For those people - strike Paris off of the list of places that allow nudetanning. Recently, the Paris government
placed a ban on such practices at the city's artifical beaches and imposed a fine of 37 Euros (
roughly 47 US Dollars) on those caught doing so.
* - Whether you like him or not, if President George W. Bush extends an invitation to you to join him for dinner, you are more than likely going to accept. Not so for Miami Dolphins Head Coach Nick Saban, who
told the leader of the free world that Dolphins training camp issues were more important than spending the evening with Bush. He did note that he would have enjoyed dining with the President but simply was not able to.
* - Here's an idea: if you are going to put yourself upon a large cross during a concert tour in the likeness of Jesus Christ, do not act surprised when you are met with disgust as a result of your actions. That is what pop singer Madonna
has been facing after mock-crucifying herself during her recent Europe tour from Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders in Rome who have united to announce their opposition to the singer's actions. Calls that Madonna should be excommunicated swirled around but never seemed to amount to much.
* - You know, sometimes I wonder why people hate the President so much. Especially when they declare that they
want to kill Bush in the middle of a speech to schoolchildren. Former Nobel Prize winner Betty Williams was talking to school-aged kids in Australia when she said "right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Yeah. Ok.
* - Hillary Clinton.
Enough said. Yes, it is the bust that was not a must.
(Photo Credit: http://www.anjindesign.com/images/abstract/cool%20blue.JPG)
I can think of a quite a few (hundred) things I would rather be doing than eating dinner with President Bush.
On an unrelated note, I live about five minutes from his favorite restaurant. Also, my roommate met a girl on Myspace who is friends with the Bush family. Weird.