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Your Monthly Dose of Randomness, I
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Sorry, dear readers, but I have changed this article series to be monthly instead of a weekly. Also, the format is slightly different but I think you'll be able to figure it out. And now, without further delay, the less focused upon random news stories of the past month! (In the case of this edition, the time since the last Randomness article.)

* - Here's an idea if you intend to steal someone's credit card and use it to buy those things you have always wanted: hope that the cashier checking you out is not the same person whose credit card you stole.

* - Most celebrities, well, more than likely all of them hate the paparazzi. However, most of them probably have not gone as far as Elton John did back in late May when he said that "you f***wit, f***ing photographers, you should be should, you should all be shot." Yeah - wow.

* - Termites and mold are probably the top two fears of homeowners regarding what could be hidden behind their walls. Unfortunately for the Paul Landi family, bees are probably their worst fear from now on after their current home was found to be concealing 200,000 bees.

* - James Blunt has become quite a popular since iTunes started handing out free downloads of "You're Beautiful" a while ago and the song quickly rose up the charts (and quit being a free download, too). However, some feel that it is time to take a break from the British singer's music. A radio station in England pulled Blunt songs "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover" back in late May/early June after listeners complained about hearing the songs too much.

* - The movie "Collateral" with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx has a couple of lines about people not noticing dead people on the MTA even after they had been dead for a while. Apparently it is not only the MTA where this event occurs: it also happens in the air.

* - Domestic violence is not a funny thing. However, one does wonder how some of these stories come to pass, especially the story of a domestic disturbance in Philadelphia when a woman alleged tore off two of her husband's genitalia with her bare hands. Luckily for the man, doctors were able to reattach the poor guy's... uh... stuff.

* - Cheating in sports is never a good thing. Cheating while playing with golf superstar Tiger Woods is even worse. But what tops it all is cheating while playing with Woods and you are former president Bill Clinton.

* - As if the bloodsucking government didn't have enough methods of siphoning your hard-earned dollars into their pockets, doctors have begun calling for a "fat tax" on soda giants Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola.

* - Just picture this and try not to laugh (not a whole lot, it probably was not a lot of fun for the folks in this story): three elderly people from New York driving around Miami, Florida for three days looking for their hotel. Yeah, it sounds as weird as it sounds. The only way the trio found their place was a phone call to the police from a near-dead cell phone informing them that they were lost. An officer eventually noticed the vehicle with the tired three and helped get them to where they needed to go.

* - Drug addicts out there, pack your bags and fly out to England. British health food stores are on the brink of selling customers a new item on the menu that is certainly a bit out of the box. Iced marijuana tea. Yeah, you read that correctly.

* - Do not hesitate to chuckle, dear readers - the sound of pop music is about to change. And the vessel that claims to be the one to change it is Justin Timberlake.

* - Earlier today, Italy defeated the French in the World Cup. Once again, a band of French lose to a European force. Perhaps they should have surrendered before the match began. We all would have understood.
posted by Blake Fought @ 7/09/2006 08:35:00 PM  
  • At 1:14 AM, July 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always enjoy reading these and am sorry to see that it is now a monthy series but still, keep up the good work (especially with the French-bashing, lol)!

  • At 3:26 PM, July 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This may be nitpicking, but she tore off two PARTS of his genitals. Last I checked, we all only had ONE set of genitals.

  • At 10:33 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    Good point. I wasn't exactly sure how to write that up.

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