About Us |
RUnderground is a Christian-based blogizine (blog/online magazine) run by current and former Radford University students. |
What We Do |
To properly touch all bases of student interest, RUnderground allows its writers to write about whatever they feel. These topics can range from faith-based, news-related, sports-related, technology-related, entertainment-related or some other topic they so choose. |
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Reader opinion is important to RUnderground. However, we request that comments be professional. RUnderground reserves the right to censor any comment for the following reasons: language, grammar, vulgarity or any reason where it is felt that a comment censoring is needed. |
Disclaimer |
The views expressed at this site reflect the views of the authors alone, and do not reflect the views or policies of those who write for RUnderground or Radford University, its students and its employees. |
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Unlike some magazines that publish one day every week, RUnderground publishes whenever a writer publishes a post. Since this means that posts may be up at anytime, feel free to bookmark us so that you stay up-to-date with the latest at RUnderground. Or, for those who want to receive updates via email, we are now offering an email subscription service provided by FeedBlitz.
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A Few Points to Make |
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 |
 Ah, dear readers, how far we've come. It was nine months and a few days ago that we began this journey that is RUnderground and it continues to amaze. But, we continue to strive for improvement and I personally would like to take the time to make a few short points and will bid you all adieu for the evening. First, I have received a few comments regarding being able to open the site at a reasonable speed. As a result, the old design of having 30 appear on the main site has been trimmed to 15 for you convenience. As always, for those that no longer appear on the main page, the Archives can be accessed on the right column below the Staff profiles list and at this link. I would also like to remind you all about the subscription feature that is provided at the bottom of the left column. If you'd like to receive email updates every time an article is posted here, subscribe to the service we have provided for you. Second, I would like to wish you all the best of this Christmas season (the day may have passed but the season is still present) and hope that you all had the best Christmas. And finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. No, this does not mean that I am done posting for the rest of the year (in fact, I intend to have reviews for two movies up here tomorrow if my schedule permits), I just wanted to wish you all a great start to 2007 (the year that the Chicago Cubs hopefully can finally reach the World Series and win it before the drought reaches the 100-year mark in 2008--the Cubs last won the Series in 1908.). And so, with that, I bid you all adieu. Photo Credit: Blake Fought |
posted by Blake Fought @ 12/26/2006 10:20:00 PM  |
Blake, why is that you are the only one who ever posts on here anymore? No offense or anything, cause a lot of your articles are great, but your perspective kind of gets old. Just thouht I would suggest encouraging the other "writers" to make some posts. Hope your Christmas was good too :)
A reader, part of the problem is what I expected to happen during classes: people get much busier and don't have as much time to write because of their schedules and other things. Which is totally understandable--heck, it's even happened to me. Nevertheless, we've still had some submissions from our writers during the fall ... just not as much as it had been in the past for the above stated reason. (Again, that's totally understandable.)
Another problem is that we are still young at this and are still expanding. We're looking for people who'd love to join on the staff and contribute. Plus, it'd also help get the word out about our site. So if you (or anyone else reading this, for that matter) knows someone who mind want to join the staff, feel free to pass along our info. We'd love to add some new people.
Seems like your writers were too busy posting on Whim. Wasn't this site supposed to protest that?
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Blake, why is that you are the only one who ever posts on here anymore? No offense or anything, cause a lot of your articles are great, but your perspective kind of gets old. Just thouht I would suggest encouraging the other "writers" to make some posts. Hope your Christmas was good too :)