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Who Didn't See This Coming? |
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
 Guess what, America? - the Democrats want to start troop withdrawl in Iraq. Surprise, surprise. For those who want a cite, here's a direct quote from the New York Times: The Democrats - the incoming majority leader, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada; the incoming Armed Services Committee chairman, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan; and the incoming Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware - said a phased redeployment of troops would be their top priority when the new Congress convenes in January, even before an investigation of the conduct of the war. I simply cannot understand the mind of the Democrats. They claim to pride themselves in being Americans, love the French and wrap themselves in the Constitution but fail to recall how this country was formed. It was not a one-man job. It was not United States v. Great Britian. We had help from the French as well as a handful of other countries as well. We are playing the role of the French in Iraq right now. We came in and removed them from the clutches of dictatorship (as the French did) and are helping them rebuild their nation (also as the French did). But apparently, the Left is content with the double standard. We can get help but when it's our job as hegemon to give help, oh no! The horror! They also so easily blind themselves to the past that they forget how Vietnam was lost. It was not lost on the field of battle but the field of public opinion, where the un/misinformed hippies and the rest of the absent minded liberals in America painted a picture of failure in lieu of success that ultimately led to the U.S. backing out of the communist nation. And once again, here we are at a key position in the War in Iraq with the (former) hippies and the (at times) seemingly brainless Left arguing that Iraq is a total failure and the only way to cut our losses is to surrender to the enemy and run away as quick as we can. In truth, so many advancements have been made since the U.S. invasion and all of those successes stand upon the brink of destruction because the Left wants to be the Disney World party and give in to the demands of the masses that they have brainwashed so well. Iraq can and most certainly will be a success, folks. The problem is that it has become the primary battleground for the War on Terror and radical Islam. To back out of the battlefield, we will only be showing weakness to our enemy and that is not something that we should be doing. For those doubting this, go research what Osama bin Laden said when the Clinton administration backed out of Somalia. Go see what our enemies thought when the U.S. picked everything up and ran back home to mommy with tears in its eyes. (Here's a hint: it's wasn't good for our side.) With this country locked in an epic struggle with an enemy that has looked to gain on every step backward and every mistake this country has made, why would it make sense to back out of Iraq now? (I'm talking to you, Harry Reid. I'm talking to you, Joe Biden. I'm talking to you, Carl Levin. I'm talking to you, Joe Murtha, you grave insult to our troops. I'm talking to you, Barack Osama ... oops, typo.) Here's the answer: it doesn't. Troop withdrawl or anything along the lines of cut-and-run politics is a miserable failure of a policy. It shows nothing but weakness and an inability to handle the tough times that come during wartime. I'm really glad FDR didn't withdrawl the troops from Europe during the times when it seemed like the Axis were going to win the war. I'm really glad the French didn't withdrawl in the Revolution. Those folks were not the cowardly lions the Democratic party is loaded with today. Thank God. Because we might be raising the flag of England or even the Nazi swastika. Photo Credit: http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/twi/lowres/twin241l.jpg |
posted by Blake Fought @ 11/21/2006 05:22:00 PM  |
I frankly am disappointed with this article. I always appreciated your ability to present clear and logical arguments to your position and respected your cleanliness as a journalist. But to call Sen. Obama Osama and to call former Sen. Murtha a disgrace to our troops outrages me. I feel like you are stooping to Brian tactics. As an avid reader of this blog I always felt you were much more reasonable and frankly readable for a moderate like myself, however I am downright disappointed with you on this one. I'm sorry but when is the last time you lost both your legs in warfare? Sen. Murtha lost his. How is that a disgrace to our troops?
Keep up the good work (this article aside)
I totally respect Murtha's actions during his service. He served his country and made a large sacrifice while doing so. But when he recently took actions and stances against the troops (one example: failing to give them the benefit of the doubt--innocent until proven guilty--when their actions were brought into question), he went from war hero to biased political crackpot in my mind and disgraced his service and image as well.
The dig on Obama was just a dig--when I was typing the article, I accidentally graced the "s" key when typing his name and thought it was funny when I looked up and saw it say "Osama."
And once again, thanks for reading and continuing to read--we always appreciate readership and comments.
HEY! Im a democrat AND im sorry you can't understand our minds... BOO!! did you see that coming. Alright alright im gonna get serious. Alright, Yes I am a democrat, and ya know Im not blind to either problem. Pulling out our troops whether slowly or quickly would be dooming the people in Iraq to suffer from a civil war. However I also understand that we are losing American soldiers, to some people that is enought to want to bring their boys, husbands, daughters, and wives back home. Also whats with you and the French? Why aren't you mad at the Germans, they were equally vocal about not wanting the U.S. to go into Iraq.
The problem with the whole scenario is that there is no white solution--it's all either a various shade of gray or is totally black.
Unfortunately, a simple war has spun out of control and the entire region is engulfed in it. Leaving early not only compromises Iraq's stability, likely thrusting it into civil war but consider also the threat of Iran. Iran has already been working for quite a while now at helping destablize Iraq and would easily jump at exercizing more control as each opportunity arises. If Iran manages to take control of Iraq (not officially, but unofficially through pulling strings and other methods), the Iranians could also control the Iraqi oil reserves that the Allies and the UN would rather keep in Iraqi control instead of in the hands of a brutal dictator who hates Israel and the entire West.
To stop Iran from seizing control of Iraq, we must stay there as long as possible. Yes, in hindsight, we could very well have done something else prior to the war or could have planned better. But we didn't. Now, it's time to bite our lip and trudge through the mess out there.
...and I think you know why I dislike the French. Now, I didn't encounter this throughout my high school time but the French are like the arrogant football jock who is where he is because of some bizzare reason. He can't play the game well--in fact, he downright stinks at it (as evidenced by their near-winless military history). The only difference is that unlike the jock, the French are not really popular. They're a laughingstock but somehow manage to get themselves into a position of power where they make decisions that are mistakes on a constant basis.
I guess I am equally upset with the Germans, French, Russians and the rest of the international community that refused to go in. If they had backed the war cause, one could make the argument that Iraq might be in a much better sitaution than it is now. The problem is that some of us believe that there was nearly no way that they would have joined the cause. Forget WMD for a moment--at the very least, Iraq was in the middle of a major humanitarian need as a result of Hussein's rule. People were being murdered on a daily basis, the quality of life was atrocious and numerous other things.
We blamed Clinton for ignoring the Rwandan genocide, why can't we blame the world for ignoring Iraq?
CNN apparently mixed up Osama and Obama. I thought of this article when I heard about it.
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I frankly am disappointed with this article. I always appreciated your ability to present clear and logical arguments to your position and respected your cleanliness as a journalist. But to call Sen. Obama Osama and to call former Sen. Murtha a disgrace to our troops outrages me. I feel like you are stooping to Brian tactics. As an avid reader of this blog I always felt you were much more reasonable and frankly readable for a moderate like myself, however I am downright disappointed with you on this one. I'm sorry but when is the last time you lost both your legs in warfare? Sen. Murtha lost his. How is that a disgrace to our troops?
Keep up the good work (this article aside)