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And You Want THIS Man in Office?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
If Virginia Senate challenger Jim Webb had any hope of knocking off incumbent George Allen (R-Va.), those hopes are fading fast. To most Virginian voters, the controversy over Allen misspeaking the word "macaca" is becoming an afterthought in the wake of Webb's personal history. Day after day, Virginians are coming to know who the real Jim Webb is.

The first of two looks into Webb's history shows a sexist bigot who holds little respect for women. This became evident when a handful of female Naval Academy graduates brought the spotlight to a 1979 article that Webb had written for the Washingtonian magazine titled "Women Can't Fight." In the hate-filled message, Webb charged that he had never come in contact with a woman at the Academy, which at the time was the focus of much debate since the Academy began allowing females to sign up in 1976, "whom I would trust to provide those men with combat leadership."

He also went on to say that the Academy was "a horny woman's dream," citing one instance where a residence hall housed 300 female midshipmen compared to 4,000 male midshipmen.

The backlash for the article that occurred recently is well-founded. Webb clearly displayed himself as a disgusting bigot who could not handle change. One former graduate said that it had hurt her deeply to see such vile hatred.

"I was devastated to be told by a war hero that the academy should be shut down rather than accept me and that my very presence was responsible for the degradation of the military," 1982 graduate Jennifer Brooks said in a recent NewsMax.com article. Brooks, who is now retired, had served in the Navy for 20 years.

"It was unbelievably demoralizing to be painted as a pampered slut who was just taking up classroom space and predestined to endanger the lives of the brave young men around me," she added.

To add insult to injury, Webb's campaign released a statement saying that the Democrat did not expect such an outcry when he initially wrote the article and that it was written "during a time of great emotional debate over a wide array of social issues in this country."

Let's now shift from Webb the sexist to Webb the writer (although the two co-exist). (CONTENT WARNING: the following contains some graphic depictions that are unsuitable for younger readers. Reader discretion is advised.)

The DRUDGE REPORT reported earlier tonight on a press release from the Allen campaign that has further highlighted the sickness in the mind of Webb. It starts by making a few notes before jumping into a handful of examples in Webb's books.

"Webb's novels disturbingly and consistently - indeed, almost uniformly - portray women as servile, subordinate, inept, incompetent, promiscuous, perverted, or some combination of these," the release notes. "In novel after novel, Webb assigns his female characters base, negative characteristics. In thousands of pages of fiction penned by Webb, there are few if any strong, admirable women or positive female role models."

The release continues: "Why does Jim Webb refuse to portray women in a respectful, positive light, whether in his non-fiction concerning their role in the military, or in his provocative novels? How can women trust him to represent their views in the Senate when chauvinistic attitudes and sexually exploitive references run throughout his fiction and non-fiction writings?"

Shortly before showing some examples, the release takes a moment of pause, suggesting that "[m]ost Virginians and Americans would find passages such as those below shocking, especially coming from the pen of someone who seeks the privilege of serving in the United States Senate, one of the highest offices in the land."

The first instance mentioned is the novel Lost Soliders, published in 2001 by Bantham Books. On page 333 of the hardcover version, Webb writes, "A shirtless man walked toward them along a mud pathway. His muscles were young and hard, but his face was devastated with wrinkles. His eyes were so red that they appeared to be burned by fire. A naked boy ran happily toward him from a little plot of dirt. The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy’s penis in his mouth."

Webb in 1991 wrote in Something to Die For, "Fogarty [...] watch[ed] a naked young stripper do the splits over a banana. She stood back up, her face smiling proudly and her round breasts glistening from a spotlight in the dim bar, and left the banana on the bar, cut in four equal sections by the muscles of her vagina."

In 1983's A Country Such As This: "[He] could see Jawbone and Ashley Asthmatic [two guards at a Vietnamese prison camp] napping together in the grass. They faced inward, their arms entwined. It looked like they were masturbating each other. It didn't surprise him. [...] It was common to see men holding hands, embracing, playing with each other. Some of them [the guards] had wanted him. He could tell in those evanescent moments between his bao cao bow, the obligatory deference when a guard entered his cell, and the first word or blow that followed it [...] Quick, grinding voices, turgid with repressed passion. An exploratory reaching of the hand near his groin [...]"

Webb continues his hatred of women in 1982's A Sense of Honor: "Nurse Goodbody, dark and voluptuous (Lenahan had forgotten her actual name, it was something long and Italian), was a bedtime friend to many of the doctors in Bethesda. She had hinted to Lenahan that she simply could not contain herself. Doctors tending to patients, she explained, aroused her. Morphine Mary (again Lenahan could not remember her exact name) was a thin, nervous drill sergeant type, a disciplinarian who did not allow her patients even to complain. Lenahan was convinced that Morphine Mary did not even sleep with her husband. She wasn’t bad looking, he mused again, staring at her thin frame. If she’d just get laid every now and then she’d mellow out and stop being such a damn witch."

Snake, one of Webb's main characters in 1978's Fields of Fire, catches a glimpse of his mother naked: "She looked as if she were carefully attempting to re-create a picture from some long-forgotten men's magazine [...] She was naked underneath the robe [...] and the robe fell loosely away, revealing her. Snake shrugged resignedly."

From a later part of Fields of Fire: "He saw the invitation with every bouncing breast and curved hip [...] He was thirteen [...] She was fifteen [...] In a few moments she drew him to her and he murmured in his quiet voice, 'I am still small.' 'You are large enough,' she answered. And he found he was."

From a later part of A Sense of Honor: "[...] that is, if you knew who your sister was, Brustein, and if she’d been born with anything between her legs except an asshole, I’d be happy to bring some class to your low-rent name by knocking the bitch up."

Apparently Jim Webb missed his calling. The porn industry and any radical women-hating group would have loved to add this guy to their staff. As for the average American family, especially one that still believes in moral values, this is the kind of filth that would drive most people away. The mind of Jim Webb is a sick and twisted one, one that has still found itself unable to evolve out of the 1950's when women were little more than the humble housewife whose only good uses were watching the kids, cooking food and pleasuring her man.

Heads up, Jim Webb: the 50's ended a long time ago.

Simply put - Jim Webb, we don't want you or you perverted mind in office representing us. Take your business, whatever and however disgusting it may be, somewhere else. Virginia does not want you.

Photo Credit: http://media.hamptonroads.com/images/news/2006/06jun/newwebb440x264.jpg, Edit: Blake Fought
posted by Blake Fought @ 10/26/2006 08:32:00 PM  
  • At 1:41 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're right, Blake. Voters ARE getting to know the real Jim Webb... and the real George Allen. That's why after a weekend of "dirty novel" stories from the Allen camp, Webb is actually leading in most of the polls. I thought Allen wanted to talk about the issues? Maybe if he told me what he's done in the Senate over the last 6 years instead of taking high school shots at his opponent, I might have an easier time voting for Allen instead of against him.

  • At 1:42 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i am in no way condoning things that are graphic and lewd but i do think it is slightly ironic that webb was registered as a republican when all these things were written. it was only upon our current administrations handling of things in iraq that he 'switched sides.' again, those things are gross; but in all situations, we must forgive - even when it isn't asked for or convenient - only in reflecting Christ's character can we come to know such a grace - a grace which must be shared to those around us - a grace which has no room for bombs and violence - a Grace which was mangled and assaulted on route to Its death and glorious resurrection - this grace may not always make sense, but think about what Christ did for us... i know i don't deserve His grace. i see no way in which a 'christian' can have use for violence when reflecting Christ. sorry; i just digressed a lot, but will leave this as it is. i personally think both allen and webb could not be farther from any sort of coherent truth: but i am here waiting with the peace that has been freely poured out over me to accept them as brothers, if they so choose - if they don't, i will never leave this state of thought because my Savior wouldn't either.

  • At 5:54 PM, October 31, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    RUAlum, your point is a good one but there are reasons for bringing up a candidate's history. Remember how badly Kerry's rep was hurt when the Swift Boat Vets came out? I would tend to believe that Allen's exposing of the content in Webb's novels will help the Webb campaign a bit in the polls.

    Also, what polls are you citing and who ran them?

    And Tim, I agree with you about how we should forgive Webb but I would argue that we have to keep what he did in mind when going to the polls.

  • At 10:29 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, the one I saw was on Foxnews.com, which showed Webb up 50 to 46. I believe that poll was conducted by "Opinion Reseach Corp."


    Rasmussen has Webb up 48 to 46. AP is reporting 50 to 46 as well.

  • At 1:17 PM, November 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are making a grave mistake in this article. It is a mistake that many who are just starting literary criticism and study make. One cannot confuse author and narrator when reading a novel. The author does not necessarily hold the same regard and indifference to situations a narrator might. It is an honest mistake that you and the right are making because you don't know any better but I just figured I'd call the attention to it. I am a liberal at Radford but frequently read your site to see what the other folks are thinking. I think your articles are very well written and I enjoy checking for updates. If you ever want a more present liberal blogger than the ones you already have please let me know. I would love to contribute to round things off a bit. My e-mail is drommel@radford.edu.
    Keep up the good work fellas.

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