I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate RUnderground for hitting the 10,000 readership mark! This is a phenominal achievement for us; we had often dreamed and wondered if this day would ever come, and sure enough it's here, cementing RUnderground as a bona fide success with the Radford University community! Sure, we celebrated when the hit counter reached 2500, 5000, and 7500, but even then we were looking ahead to this special milestone; and lo and behold, here we are merely five months after the site first launched. The reason I believe RUnderground has been such a success is because of its writers' fresh perspectives on local and world issues and their boldness to speak their minds no matter what others may think or say. RUnderground stands out because the writers truly have convictions. That's rare today. The passion for the things they write about simply oozes with every word they write and every article that's posted. The discussions that follow in the "Comments" section of each article are lively and spirited. That's what keeps drawing our readers back for more. I especially want to congratulate Blake. RUnderground is his brainchild, and Blake has stayed true to his vision for this site from Day One, all while keeping things fun and interesting. I personally want to thank Blake for giving us all the opportunity to be part of this ride, and for believing in us the whole way through. It's refreshing to have a place like this where anyone who wants to can be a writer and post whenever he/she feels like it. Generally Blake writes the "landmark readership" articles, but I wanted to beat him to the punch this time so that he could get the praise that he well deserves. Hope he isn't too mad at me for it :) It's been a blast, man. I also want to take this time to re-dedicate myself to posting regularly on this site. It's been a while since I posted my last article (I've been quite busy), but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things again and post some of the exciting articles I had promised to a long time ago. Photo Credit: Justin Hawks |
Congrats, RUnderground! I don't frequent the site as much as I probably should but you really have set up a nice thing here. Good job.