Many people today fail to realize what the War on Terror is actually about, plain and simple. That sentence, written over and over, alone could be an article in itself, albeit boring. The truth is that people see this conflict with radical Islam as an operation (including our pansy of a Commander-in-Chief) instead of an all-out war like the enemy does. Until the world, or at the very least, America realizes this, the body counts will continue to rise and the war will continue longer than it should.
Before getting into how this nation is actually losing in the War on Terror, it would make sense to first establish what exactly it is.
Simply put, it is the Tenth Crusade (there were more major crusades in the past but they were not numbered by historians), a battle between a portion of the Muslim world and those who do not fall under the previous category. The enemy sees this nation, as well as others overseas, as a conglomerate of savages who must be destroyed by whatever means. They fail to recognize fairness in combat and any documents that establish the rules of engagement or treatment of prisoners. They remove heads from the bodies of the innocent (or, in their minds, the already guilty) and film the gruesome act in hopes that it will make the news in a matter of hours and their apparent power can be shown. They hate this nation for its freedoms. They hate how we allow women to go to school and treat them as the princesses they are instead of acting like they are nothing more than veiled walking vaginas under the command of their male masters (and the Left likes to call the Right in America closed-minded?). They hate how we worship Jesus Christ or the alternatives like Buddha, Vishnu and Baha'u'llah (just to name a few). They plot to destroy, to kill every one with a breath in their bodies no matter what age, sex, race, religion, sexual preference, etc. they are.
Many in this country feel the need to call attention to various human emergencies overseas such as Darfur or Tibet, letting the supposedly-uneducated masses that bad stuff is happening beyond our borders. To those people, wake up and see beyond what CNN, the
New York Times and MoveOn.org is spouting from their closed-minded mouths. There is a global Crusade afoot and it is claiming lives and governments.
In Israel, radical Islam is at war with the Jews. In various portions of the Middle East, radical Islam is at war with Christians and the Jews. In various portions of the former Soviet satellites, radical Islam is at war with the Russians. And recently, radical Islam claimed its first major victory in the global War on Terrorism by overthrowing the Buddhist government in Thailand.
This is no joke, folks. These terrorists are slowly taking over the world and doing it with relative ease. And whenever they are met with a major roadblock in completing their objective, it is removed by some group within the ranks of their enemy such as the ACLU, the U.S. Supreme Court, Hollywood or the elected members of the Democratic Party of America in Congress.
Here's a question for the misinformed (which, for those who may be confused as to who they are on this - the misinformed are anyone who watches CNN, reads the
L.A. Times,
Washington Post or America's favorite terrorist-supporter, the
New York Times. It also applies to anyone who has bought into the lie that there is no liberal media in the world, let alone the United States and loves that good 'ole MoveOn.Org): who is in a better position right now - the prisoners we have captured and detained at Guantanamo Bay or the average American homeless person?
The shocking answer? The terrorist.
Oh, before you start screaming and feel that heart start to rip open so the blood can come rushing out, consider this: most homeless in this country are poorly fed, at times live on the streets in the rain, rarely ever find themselves comfortable and have little connections to the privileges most Americans take for granted. Unlike those poor folks, the life of a captured terrorist is pretty darn good. They have access to pharmacies, dentists, an operating room (some 20+ terrorists have been given prosthetic limbs and almost 300 inmates have had an operation of some form), high-quality meals, special time to pray to Mecca where they cannot be interrupted for any reason and La-Z-Boys in their interrogation rooms (no, it is for the interrogated, not the interrogator before you ask). Heck, it wouldn't be surprising to find a McDonald's or a room service system complete with a Mr. Coffee down in that Cuban prison.
This nation has decided to baby its prisoners with flowers instead of locking them away with three mediocre meals a day, a toilet and a sink. No, that wouldn't be politically correct. Instead of equipping the interrogation and prison system designed to keep these murderers out from the world and to extract intel from them, this nation has decided to equip those systems with flowers, a smile and La-Z-Boys.
What type of hippie-esque garbage is this? Since when did America lose its backbone and spare me the comparisons to the Nazi regime like brainless senator Dick Durbin feels the need to use - removing the La-Z-Boys, free healthcare (Imagine that! The Left's plan of giving free healthcare to everyone includes those who want to slit their throats at first chance!) and Barney the Dinosaur treatment does not make us comparable to the Nazis. That vile regime misfed their prisoners and stuffed them into oversized ovens. Correct me if I'm wrong but this does not occur in any U.S. prison.
But the failure in War on Terrorism extends beyond this country's treatment of captured terrorists. Take the recent "cemetery" debacle, where some 20-30 terrorists where all grouped together in a cemetery to pay respects to a fallen comrade. These guys were about to be incinerated under a warhead from a U.S. bomber until the attack was called off because the rules of engagement restrict our troops from attacking people in a cemetery. As a result, those 20-30 terrorists were allowed to walk away to suicide bomb another day. If you feel the need to let these guys pay respects to the dead, fine - but why not hover over them until they decided to leave the cemetery and trust me - they will - and take them out thereafter? It makes no sense.
The President has given into these hippie-esque causes. He has proven to be weak on foreign policy beyond his speeches to the U.N.(ecessary) and the American people when he talks about how it's time to take out the enemy. With what, Mr. Bush? With what? Are you honestly going to let the military get equipped with spitballs because the ACLU and Supreme Court (what a disgrace they are to this country over the course of their existence) wants to make sure that the Geneva Convention, which was designed to make rules for two warring groups that are attacking each other fight a fair war instead of an all-out war like the Islamo fascists are waging against the entire world, to a group that does not abide by those rules? I'm sorry, but if a pitcher hits three consecutive batters in a baseball game, the umpire is going to eject him from the game for failing to abide by the rules.
Enough is enough with the restrictions on the ability to win the War on Terrorism. Heck, I won't even get into how the liberal media continues to compromise America's ability to win the war while at the same time spouting the lies that the Left is so loving of regarding the Bush Administration's war in Iraq. That's for another day.
Enough is enough. You cannot win a war with spitballs and flowers firing out of your guns. If you are going to wage a war, you do it for real. Sure, you follow basic rules like not attacking the unarmed, the innocent, children and the lot but the extra garbage rules our military has been slapped by from the oh-so-wonderful Democrats in Congress, the ACLU and MoveOn.org are insane. But then again, we've already figured out that those respective groups are already insane in almost everything they do, no?
(Photo Credit: http://www.suck.uk.com/photos/3Guns01.jpg)