"Fans" of Whim Internet Magazine's "Christ on Campus" series - get ready for the latest in tasteless cartoons at Whim. From the the magazine that brought you Jesus in the middle of a sexual encounter and God telling a troubled young kid to shut up comes a new toon that shows no respect for the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. The toon is broken into three parts/panels. The first depicts two towers in the likeness of the World Trade Center in New York City prior to the terrorist attacks. The next panel shows two guys in an office, both wearing glasses and standing inside the building. The guy on the left is drinking coffee and says to the one on the right, "Hey Jim! How are you on this beautiful September morning?" The fellow on the right responds with "Not so good, Steve! I was sick all night, the car broken down this morning, I spilled coffee on myself, then I left my wallet on the damn subway! I just don't see how this day could get any worse!" The third panel depicts an airplace flying straight toward one of the two towers as shown in the first panel in a similar manner to the one that crashed into the World Trade Center. Admittedly, the toon is entitled "Poor Taste," so the reader should have seen something like this coming. Nevertheless, it really makes one wonder what is untouchable these days to these folks. Clearly Jesus Christ and 9/11 victims are on the short list of groups/people who are perfect for cheap laughs (if one could laugh at those cartoons). Some last semester, when people railed against "Christ on Campus," wondered what group was next on the list of the ones that would be attacked/mocked. Some asked what would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr. or the Jews from the Holocaust were the focus of the series. I guess we all missed the ball on that one. It wasn't King Jr. or the Jews - it was the innocent civilians whose lives were lost back on one of this nations darkest days. (Photo Credit: http://incolor.inebraska.com/dannyk/photos/91101/hero11.jpg) |
Wow, you're not kidding. I'm surprised they published that.