An open letter to the
Misinformed Liberals of the World:
You're killing any hope that there are liberals out there these days that are capable of understanding, or simply unwilling to even consider, what we (Christian) conservatives value. Contrary to the belief of some (er, make that most) of the liberal establishment, conservatives tolerate all forms of variance within our society such as (but not limited to) minorities, women, children, the disabled, intellectuals, homosexuals, transgender persons, anyone on welfare, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, artists, the cities of New Orleans, San Francisco, Boston and New York, and yes, you - the common, garden variety liberals lurking in our midst. We just refuse to accept some of those groups as practicing something - anything - positive. This may be a shocker, but what this country was founded upon, in part, is the ability to not like something and yet having the freedom to try to do something about it. To make an analogy to the sports world, Red Sox fans tolerate Yankees fans and visa versa. They do not, however, have to accept that the Yankees are better than the Red Sox (and again, visa versa).
You also seem to show a complete misunderstanding of why radical Islamic terrorists despise this country. They despise this country because (1) the majority of its citizens are followers of Christianity or Judaism, (2) we pride ourselves on having the freedom of religion (not to be confused with the so-called "separation of church and state" you folks seem to love so well despite its complete absence from the Constitution and the overwhelming tendency to restrict - not promote - religious freedom) that allows its citizens the right to practice the faith of their choosing, (3) we treat women with respect instead of the "do as I say, lesser one, for I AM MAN" mindset most radical Islamic terrorists subscribe to (to be honest, if they had it their way, any woman reading this sentence would likely be shot for being too educated for her own good), (4) we back Israel and, of course, (5) we have better tasting apple pie than they do.
As stated before, a person can tolerate anything - an opposing political group, for example - but does not have to accept them as being right. In this country, a person is capable of pointing out what he or she thinks is wrong and saying so if he or she feels so inclined. This is performed on a daily basis by (shocker!) both conservatives and liberals.
Granted, there are liberals to whom this thinking does not apply. They understand the issues and make for good conversations about what to do about this country's future. Joe Lieberman is a good example of this group and it is quite a shame that his own party turned on him because he did not turn into a zombie-like Bush-bashing robot like most of the leaders in his party did. (His supporters, coupled with conservatives in Connecticut, should have him back in office after November, though, so it is all good.) Those folks don't buy into the spoon-fed garbage that CNN, the
New York Times, the
Washington Post and MoveOn.org feed them. They actually research the issues and take positions based on their own research and rational thought processes instead of following what they are told to follow because Michael Moore, Sean Penn or the great Alec Baldwin says it is true.
We also enjoy reading Ann Coulter books instead of her alternative-universe counterpart, Anne Coulter.
In summary, we hope that this brief discourse has shed a light on some of the misconceptions that you seem to have about we who call ourselves conservatives. Have a nice weekend from all of us.
(Photo Credit: http://www.britishcouncil.org/hu/hungary-english-learn-english-in-hungary-330x220-snapshots-ents-110-young-man-writing-a-letter.jpg)
The fact that anyone can enjoy Ann Coulter is far beyond my grasp. I don't understand how one person can be so misinformed, rude, and vile at the same time, while becoming enormously popular in the process.