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How to Help Defeat Terrorism on the Homefront |
Monday, September 11, 2006 |
 Most folks here at home assume that because they are not on the frontlines in the War on Terrorism, they are incapable of doing anything to help in the cause against Islamo-fascism and the goal of its followers. They believe that there is nothing within their power that they can use to help send a message to those who loathe the very core of our society, our government and our faith. Oh, how wrong you people are - you can aid in the cause of defying and destroying the will of Islamo-fascism by doing something that is so simple yet so potent. Just display the colors. Buy a shirt with the American flag upon it with or without the words "God Bless America" fixed above or below the symbol of American strength. Borrow or purchase a pin that bears the likeness of the colors and wear it on the collar of your suit before heading off to work. If you are able to wear hats wherever you work or take classes, wear one that has some sort of patriotic message on it. Wear them proudly with your head held high and a smile on your face that no uncultured savage could ever strip for you except by way of death. Be cavalier about this, do not allow the weak and the desperate overseas take away your ability to love your country. After all, we live in the United States of America and no savage assaults upon our nation will stop us from being who we are or will break our firm resolve. Today is the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks that gripped this country with temporary fear and sorrow. We saw buildings, landmarks that in our minds we deemed indestructible go the way of the Titanic. The goal of the enemy was that America would be shaken, that she would huddle in a corner in fear. That she would be afraid to display the symbols of her power in hope that it would keep her safe. The goal was to destroy that which makes us great. But those who remember what happened shortly thereafter remember the sea of red, white and blue that swept across America from the north, where the storied past of this country was born; to the south, where a great war was fought to ensure that all men would receive equal rights no matter what race they belonged to; to the Midwest, where the beginning of the western push began and where some of the country's best and most historic baseball teams will always play ball as long as there is a breath in their bodies and a love of the game and country and to the west, where the land meets the sea once more and the. They recall the sold out signs written in pen on paper informing shoppers that they were sold out of American flags or lapel pins. They remember the candlelight vigils between both friend and former foe. They remember the time when black and white New York hats meant the same as orange and blue New York hats and the series that solidified the following quote in the history books, "Don't bounce it. This is Yankee Stadium. They'll boo." and the memorable throw from the President that followed mere moments later. Sadly, the great outpouring of American pride has seemed to have abated. Not as frequent as it was in the past will you find a fellow walking down the street bearing the colors for no apparent reason other than his own personal pride in this great country. It is time to change that sentiment. It is time that this nation find that unity it had in the fall and winter of 2001 and display it once again, with a voice louder than has ever been seen before and is so loud and imposing that the cowardly forces who hide in caves while they plot their savage ways of lashing out against the world will tremble in fear like they did shortly after September 11, when the muscles of America's pride and military were flexed to a size that had never been seen before in at least a generation. It is time to win the battle without weapons for those who are here in the motherland, away from the bloodied battlefields where this country's future is being fought. The choice is ours and the means far from cumbersome. The only question is whether or not those people are up for it in this, the greatest nation on God's green earth. (Photo Credit: http://mahopa.de/bilder/dokumente/patriotism.jpg) |
posted by Blake Fought @ 9/11/2006 10:12:00 AM  |
This comment is in no means an attempt to take away from the sentiment you publish, but serve as a concurring caveat with a slightly different message:
I agree that we should not let terrorism get us down and we should not sulk in corners, nor simply bend to the will of those who pervert the Islamic faith in order to obtain goals and spread propaganda that are clearly against the true Muslim faith.
But here is another thing to remember: sheer blind patriotism will not do anything for us. This is not to say do not wear the colors, or do not be proud to be an American, it is just to say nationalism and patriotism are not shields that make us invunerable, but, in fact, when used improperly, only feed ignorance and deny an exploration of what it is to be American and what the world around us is.
On this day, remember what democracy is, remember what our Constitution gives us, remember that the First Amendment promulgates a marketplace of ideas. On this day, if you want true unity, if you believe in the cause of the American Revolution, do not simply bad mouth someone's ideas because he or she thinks differently from you. Liberal and Conservative do not have to be dirty words.
Truth can only be arrived at by an exchange of ideas, not a pronouncement of ideology.
So, just because someone may criticize the War in Iraq, or disagree with Gitmo, or highlight encroachment on our privacy with NSA wiretaps does not make them terrorist sympathizing anti-Americans, it makes them people who exercise their rights to analyze the actions of the government, to provide overwatch and to, in effect, govern themselves. Only and enformed society can be an elightened one and only an elightened society can rule itself properly.
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This comment is in no means an attempt to take away from the sentiment you publish, but serve as a concurring caveat with a slightly different message:
I agree that we should not let terrorism get us down and we should not sulk in corners, nor simply bend to the will of those who pervert the Islamic faith in order to obtain goals and spread propaganda that are clearly against the true Muslim faith.
But here is another thing to remember: sheer blind patriotism will not do anything for us. This is not to say do not wear the colors, or do not be proud to be an American, it is just to say nationalism and patriotism are not shields that make us invunerable, but, in fact, when used improperly, only feed ignorance and deny an exploration of what it is to be American and what the world around us is.
On this day, remember what democracy is, remember what our Constitution gives us, remember that the First Amendment promulgates a marketplace of ideas. On this day, if you want true unity, if you believe in the cause of the American Revolution, do not simply bad mouth someone's ideas because he or she thinks differently from you. Liberal and Conservative do not have to be dirty words.
Truth can only be arrived at by an exchange of ideas, not a pronouncement of ideology.
So, just because someone may criticize the War in Iraq, or disagree with Gitmo, or highlight encroachment on our privacy with NSA wiretaps does not make them terrorist sympathizing anti-Americans, it makes them people who exercise their rights to analyze the actions of the government, to provide overwatch and to, in effect, govern themselves. Only and enformed society can be an elightened one and only an elightened society can rule itself properly.