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What Would Jesus Do? |
Monday, August 14, 2006 |
 So yeah, just remember that everything that is on this website will not matter whether or not you go to Heaven. Also, we need to understand that we as Christians are examples to the world, of who Jesus is. I think that sometimes we should evaluate the world's greatest question....What Would Jesus Do? Would Jesus sit around and debate about war? Would Jesus try to sell an agenda? Jesus is not Republician or Democrat or Liberal or Conservative. So I think that if what we are speaking and typing we need to ask ourselves: A. Do we Glorify God when we write? B. Are we bringing people to Him... if not then we are missing it. C. Are we speaking in love, if not once again we have missed it. D. Also the Word says that every word we say we will be held accountable for on the day of Judgement.So I just wanted to send a friendly reminder. I love you guys and gals. Remember Satan is a Pimp don't be his ho!(Photo Credit: http://www.crwflags.com/art/miscflags/wwjd.gif) |
posted by Misty Keene @ 8/14/2006 11:44:00 PM  |
"Would Jesus sit around and debate about war?"
I doubt it but the Bible does provide provisions for war. However, they must be just wars (St. Augustine and Thomas Aquintas can explain this better than I can) and not wars where people make war to enrich themselves (Genesis 14:21-24 is a pretty good example). Remember, God is always in control when it comes to war (check out the Old Testament for all the wars there).
We are also told to defend our household from those who wish to destroy it. The Lord does not want us to sit idly by if someone were to break into our homes and stab every member of our families, including ourselves. Sure, we should try our best to bring down the intruder without killing him but if all other means are exhausted, we must defend our household.
Another good example of that is WWII. We exhausted every method possible for avoiding war with Hitler and the Axis powers until we eventually took up arms against his armies. When those failed, it was our job to defend our home (extended to include our nation) from Hitler.
And do remember that Christ will come back with the armies of heaven to defeat the armies of the Antichrist (Revelation 19:11-16).
...those are my thoughts. I honestly do believe that there is nothing wrong with debating how to protect our homeland from those who mean to destroy us. The Bible gives us the right to.
"Jesus is not Republician or Democrat or Liberal or Conservative."
And I agree with this but there are some things that different parties support that do not go with what the Lord told us to do. If we see something like that happening in another party, I believe that it is our job to try to help them with their problems just as it is their job to help us with ours.
I take it this was wrote in response to Blake's article posted today?
okay so first off this is to you Blake, There is a difference in talking and doing. If there are no actions taken further to help change to government or its policies then what good is it. i mean i know it is important to know what is going on in the world, but if action is not taken to a high level by those who are talking then what is the use?
Also I do believe that you were mistaken about my comment about war. I did not say that war in certain times isnt necessary, however debating about it and causing people to get heated and angry and bringing divison is not cool. When folks atacked Jesus He did not respond to the beatings and the cross with anger. Jesus also says to Peter that those who live by the sword also dies by it.
Matt 26:52Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for (BM)all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.
Remember that Satan is a pimp, dont be his Ho!
Also in responce to the second comment, no i did not make this inresponce to anything, most of the things on here is too long winded for me to read and enjoy...no offence guys
"I did not say that war in certain times isnt necessary, however debating about it and causing people to get heated and angry and bringing divison is not cool."
The problem is that debating about how to handle the war effort is a necessary endeavor because people hold different views over how it should be done. Some say >>this<< is the right thing to do, others say >>this<< and some others say >>that<<. To be able to establish a proper policy, you have to discuss merits of each opinion and, if possible, try to remove the ones that will be unsuccessful or less successful than the others through discussion. I know this doesn't exactly happen as it should in the government and in discussion between those who feel the government is/is not doing enough or is taking the right/wrong course of action but it certainly is the ideal method of discussion that does indeed happen at some level, even in a yelling match (which is the least desirable form of discussion, of course).
RE: Jesus is not Republician or Democrat or Liberal or Conservative.
No but it would make sense to say that based on what each party stands for (liberals/Democrats support gay marriage, separation of church and state, removing God from the public domain, etc.), you could make a pretty good argument that Republicans/conservatives support more policies that reflect what God supports than the Democrats.
RE: Ray
On social issues, it is my opinion that the Republican party is the one working towards what God supports. It does not support homosexuality and the destruction of marriage and it does not support the separation of church and state. Those are a few examples. It also supports the welfare system but a smart one. Right now, there are some people who are sitting on their butts collecting welfare checks and using them to buy booze, cigarettes and everything that that welfare check is not intended to go towards. It is supposed to help the poorer people out there climb out of the gutter. Republicans support welfare reform while the Democrats seem to believe that the status quo is a glorious thing. That laziness and lack of proper manangement is not something that the Lord supports, I believe. He wants us to be active and work to get ourselves out of the gutter, not sit on our butts doing nothing and wasting the opportunities given to us on unholy things like booze, cigarettes and the lot.
However, I do agree with your position that political parties are evil because they are loaded with corruption at some levels however I also believe that they are necessary evils. Government is a bad thing, I believe the Bible says that as well. The problem is that it's the best thing we have as a society. Anarchy certainly isn't the answer. You did not say it was but I have heard people who believe that and it truly baffles me.
"But Jesus does support social welfare, so would that not make Him a Liberal?"
I think A put it best - both parties support welfare but the Right has been trying to fix it because it is being abused. I'm not really one to say that God is a Republican or a Democrat because that's not the right thing to say but you could say that one party or the other supports a good amount of things that the Lord wants us to do.
Well i never would have thought that something i write would cause so much comottion (or how ever you spell it) kinda funny.
Well i have a lot to respond to. The main one is for those of you who and not believers, I do pray that one day you will be able to see God for who He is and allow Him to meet you in the place of your need. If you are a non believer then dont get your panties in a twist for what i write.
Blake for the second comment you wrote, my responce is this: we need to remember as Believers who talk about politics and laws and regualtions, we need to remember that those for the most part who disagree with Christian views on law and government, we need to remember that we are expecting those who dont know God to take the same view point on Him, need to get saved and have the Holy Spirit so that there is unity. But that most likely wont happen. so there ya go.
Also Blake the fighting in the book of Revelations is going to be done by Jesus and Angels because they have that authority. We as humans tend to fight for the wrong reasons and motives. Not because God told me to.
Next on my list is A. whom ever you are. I believe that all of the political parties and view points are not 100% in alignment with the Word of God. So i dont believe that God would support one side over the other. I do not hold any certain political view points, but i do know what God has put on my heart. And so I personally believe that God would not have anything to do with the political system, because of its corruptness.
OKay so for those of you who dont know i am a Social work major....and the statements that says, "Right now, there are some people who are sitting on their butts collecting welfare checks and using them to buy booze, cigarettes and everything that that welfare check is not intended to go towards." If you didnt know the US has passed amny bills and laws and have set up tighter regulations when it come to TANF and other programs of assistance. Also my responce if the Church (and what i mean by this is that every Christian church) was doing what God and Jesus Christ says for us to do then we would not have to worry about haveing a welfare system. The body of Christ is supposed to be taking care of those whoa re in need no matter what!
Also the United States welfare system doe snot work for a few reasons. First off you cant jsut give people money and expect for the cycle of poverty to be broken. IT just wont happen. There needs to be changes in the schools, as well as financuial assistance, programs thast can bring hope to those who are impoverish. Also for those of you who dont know poverty is a cycle. I have been poor my whole life. First of all i did not choose to be poor. I was introduced to poor living situations due to my family. I will be honest it is ONLY by the grace of God that i am where i am now, nothing else.
thanks for all of your comments....and suggestions....so yeah for thsoe of you who wrote other things and i have not yet commented on i will do that soon but i have things to get done. thanks!!! love yall!
and Remember, Satan is a pimp, dont be his ho!
Here's my take on the article.
The basic premise of the article, as I take it, is that it's morally wrong for Christians to discuss or debate "political" issues because it doesn't draw a person to Christ, and may draw a person away from Him. I disagree. We're all part of this world, so naturally we talk about the things that go on in it. Hence we all have opinions, and there's nothing wrong with sharing or debating your opinions. Talking about these things is a moral "neutral," like watching a movie or eating ice cream. Sometimes I think people take the "WWJD" point to an extreme and say, for instance, "Jesus would never eat an unhealthy scoop of ice cream, so we shouldn't either," or "Jesus would never watch movies, hence movies are evil." Likewise it's borderline legalism to say that you shouldn't debate politics just because Jesus never did. As Christians we do in fact try to be more Christ-like, but that's in regards to living sin-free and loving other people (the Holy Spirit actually guides us in doing that). It's not a sin to discuss political issues, so it minimalizes God to say that a morally neutral act such as that will thwart his Will for a person's life or draw that person away from Him. Personally, I feel that my role on the RUnderground, in part, is in fact to lead others to Christ, so I probably come off as more of a "pacifist" than others on this site. But at the same time, there's nothing wrong with Blake or Brian or others discussing controversial matters (however I don't feel that controversy just for the sake of controversy is particularly helpful; there has to be a point to it, and usually there is).
Those last two comments were pretty darn funny, especially the winking smiley response.
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"Would Jesus sit around and debate about war?"
I doubt it but the Bible does provide provisions for war. However, they must be just wars (St. Augustine and Thomas Aquintas can explain this better than I can) and not wars where people make war to enrich themselves (Genesis 14:21-24 is a pretty good example). Remember, God is always in control when it comes to war (check out the Old Testament for all the wars there).
We are also told to defend our household from those who wish to destroy it. The Lord does not want us to sit idly by if someone were to break into our homes and stab every member of our families, including ourselves. Sure, we should try our best to bring down the intruder without killing him but if all other means are exhausted, we must defend our household.
Another good example of that is WWII. We exhausted every method possible for avoiding war with Hitler and the Axis powers until we eventually took up arms against his armies. When those failed, it was our job to defend our home (extended to include our nation) from Hitler.
And do remember that Christ will come back with the armies of heaven to defeat the armies of the Antichrist (Revelation 19:11-16).
...those are my thoughts. I honestly do believe that there is nothing wrong with debating how to protect our homeland from those who mean to destroy us. The Bible gives us the right to.
"Jesus is not Republician or Democrat or Liberal or Conservative."
And I agree with this but there are some things that different parties support that do not go with what the Lord told us to do. If we see something like that happening in another party, I believe that it is our job to try to help them with their problems just as it is their job to help us with ours.