The past year at Radford University was certainly an interesting one. Initially, it seemed that the only major issue that would happen on campus would be the a regime change in the President's office as newcomer Penelope Kyle replaced Dr. Douglas Covington, who had held the title since 1995. But that would only be one of the high-profile stories that swept the campus last year as controversies arose at various points. Let's take a quick look back while asking ourselves at the same time: could this new year at Radford be just as controversial or will things die down a bit? Last fall, Radford students complained that Kyle had a hand in a crackdown on parties and staged a protest in front of the McConnell library where the President was holding a social that closed the building to student access. Over a thousdand students joined the Facebook.com group "Radford's New President Sucks" to help voice their support for less control on student affairs by the Office of the President. Things stayed somewhat silent on campus for the most part until the local media began breaking reports on the growing controversy surrounding the "Christ on Campus" cartoon featured on Radford's official Internet magazine, Whim. The debate had been going on since the series began during the fall semester but did not receive large-scale media coverage until the spring. The story hit two of the four local news stations (because of a potential conflict of interest, the other two networks had to back away from covering the story), big-name papers such as the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Washington Times and was carried as far away as India. It hit its peak during a student forum before calming after Spring Break. Shortly thereafter, another controversy arose over an article in The Tartan that condemned homosexual lifestyles. The controversy sparked almost as much debate as the "Christ on Campus" controversy and hit its peak when a "Diversity Rally" was held in Radford's free speech zone that brought some 30-50 people out in protest. The question to ponder now is what will this next year bring? The only foreseeable event is the fifth-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks and that should bring up some sad memories of what happened that day between students. But, beyond that, nothing appears to be on the horizon. Will things quiet down on this beautiful southwestern Virginia campus or will some unforeseen controversy arise? Almost anything is possible. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. (Photo Credit: http://www.langleystoys.com/acatalog/magic-8-ball-large.jpg) |
"Radford's New President Sucks" had over 1,800 members. Not to toot my own horn, but beep beep.