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Suspect Found in Ramsey Case? |
Thursday, August 17, 2006 |
 Hey y'all, I just wanted to report that a suspect has just been found in the ten-year old case of the JonBenet Ramsey murder. Here's the link to the story from Yahoo! news but it most likely to become a top news story very soon: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060817/ap_on_re_as/thailand_jonbenet_ramseyI am just happy that someone finally came out with the truth about their awful crime. Someone can now be put to justice. (Photo Credit: Yahoo! news) |
posted by Anonymous @ 8/17/2006 08:18:00 AM  |
I don't buy it. According to recent breaking news, the DNA does not match and Karr claimed to have drugged JonBenet and the autopsy did not show any evidence that the young beauty star had bee drugged.
I know there is not enough evidence to prove it but I fall under the group of people that believe that her parents did it. Their actions following the death of their child is extremely concerning because it is not the proper response by parents when their child has been murdered.
An interesting trivia bit: my father knew JonBenet's mother, Patsy and drove her to (and I believe from, as well) campus for a short time while they were both at West Virginia University. (Patsy graduated from WVU in 1978) Even having Patsy as a friend during that time and knowing her for a while, he still falls under the group that thinks that the parents' actions are extremely bizarre and may lead one to believe that the parents did it.
You know, the more I think about this, the less it makes sense. The motive for his confession eludes me. His family was with him on vacation when the murder occured (according to his family). JonBenet's father says he never knew the guy. Karr said he loved JonBenet when he lived in the same area as her but she was one when they moved away so that makes little sense.
...I think this guy's trying to avoid the death penalty from a country with a much stricter criminal system than ours by saying he did the crime to get out of the country. That's just a guess but the pieces to the puzzle just don't seem to line up as I see it.
Oh my God! I agree with Blake! Never thought I'd see the day...(kidding...well...sort of...)
Awesome! Let's celebrate! :)
Remember this part of Minority Report? (SPOILER ALERT):
WITWER: If you were a child killer, you took these pictures, would you leave them out on the bed for anyone to find?
FLETCHER: They could have been put away. Anderton could have found them.
WITWER: What kind of cop were you before this?
FLETCHER: I was a Treasury Agent for eight years. Why?
WITWER: Treasury... Then this would be your first actual murder scene. I worked homicide before I went federal. This is what we would've called an "orgy of evidence". Do you know how many orgies I had as a homicide copy, Gordon?
FLETCHER: How many?
WITWER: None. This was arranged.
Now, don't get me wrong - this Karr fellow has admitted to the crime so it's highly possible that he isn't being set up. Could be - there could be a puppetmaster somewhere pulling the strings to protect a much larger name but that's doubtful.
The question I keep asking myself is why? If you've gotten away with the crime (and clearly the case went cold a long time ago when the Ramsey parents and the Boulder police botched the evidence) this long, why surrender yourself? Did he become so bottled up that he exploded? Possible but that rarely happens. Did he find some religious faith that made him want to admit his crime? Possible but I would have thought that if that were the case that it would have been brought up and the media would have reported it.
This doesn't seem to make sense either and that's why I brought up the Minority Report reference. Again, if you had got away with the crime for this long, why would you email someone else nearly ten years later to sing a bizarre love ode that more than likely would blow your cover? There's just a few too many bizarre things at play here.
So what is the motive?
I have a few guesses if Karr did not do it.
1 - He committed the type of crime in Bangkok that can get you killed. Or he ticked off someone over there that meant to kill him. What would get you out of the country and into the protection of the American police/judical system? Admit to a high-profile crime and you know our guys in blue will be on you pretty darn quick.
2 - He has a mental condition that made him want to go to jail or something along those lines. It's highly unlikely but still possible. There are some really messed up people out there and it's not out of the realm of possibility.
3 - He ran out of cash and needed to find some way to survive. Although it's not the best form of living, if you get life in prison for admitting to a high-profile crime like the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, you'll get free room and board and three meals a day. Sure, it's not the best way to live but it is a living and you don't have to drop a cent into anyone's pocket to get it.
Again, these are just theories. It could very well be true that the guy is a cold-blooded killer who finally decided to confess for whatever reason but when you smell something odd, you guess what it is and investigate as to what it is. I'm not able to do the second part so I'm stuck with just guesses.
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I don't buy it. According to recent breaking news, the DNA does not match and Karr claimed to have drugged JonBenet and the autopsy did not show any evidence that the young beauty star had bee drugged.
I know there is not enough evidence to prove it but I fall under the group of people that believe that her parents did it. Their actions following the death of their child is extremely concerning because it is not the proper response by parents when their child has been murdered.
An interesting trivia bit: my father knew JonBenet's mother, Patsy and drove her to (and I believe from, as well) campus for a short time while they were both at West Virginia University. (Patsy graduated from WVU in 1978) Even having Patsy as a friend during that time and knowing her for a while, he still falls under the group that thinks that the parents' actions are extremely bizarre and may lead one to believe that the parents did it.