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Bands You've Probably Never Heard Of
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
First off, I would just like to say that it is an honor to be writing for RUnderground. This is my first post and as the only liberal writer on the site (that I know of) everybody has expected my first post to be a huge complaining session. For that reason I have decided to tackle lighter fare in my first post and shy away, if only for a moment, from the more serious issues of today to give the RUnderground readers a way to cope with the first few hectic weeks of school. To me music is one of the best ways to relax and walking through any dorm hall on a sunny afternoon with ears open will lead you to believe that many agree with me. I like most music but I have come to realize that most college students are more interested in over-produced corporate music from artists like Sean Paul and Justin Timberlake. Believe me when I say that TRL kills good bands. In this particular article you won't find artists like that. As a matter of fact you will probably find at least a few artists that sound like nothing you have ever heard before. Listen with an open mind and I think you'll like what you hear.

1.) Cartel--O.K. so most of you have already heard of these guys. They are a band from just outside of Atlanta that has recently made the jump to MTV. I think that's kind of sad. While your friends are all rushing out to buy the bands newest release, CHROMA, I would suggest that you instead pick up their 2004 RANSOM EP. If your hooked on their latest single, Honestly, then you will love songs on the EP like Last Chance. The EP has all the catchy guitar and biting lyrics of Chroma without sounding so over-produced and clean. If you go for that amateur garage band feel then the EP is definitely a better bet for you.

2.) Cute Is What We Aim For--These four are pretty amazing. In a world where it means certain death to declare a band "pop" Cute have bravely stepped forward and admitted that's what they are. They are definitely a pop band but they are pop with excellent lyrics. If it's catchy tunes that your after this is your band. From light, super catchy tunes like Curse Of Curves to bitter pop-rock tunes like Sweat The Battle Before The Battle Sweats You these guys have what it takes to be your next favorite band. Do yourself a solid and pick up a copy of their Freshman album The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch.

3.) Paramore--Alright it takes a lot for me to feel a pop-punk band with female vocals but Paramore has won me over. Vocalist Hayley Williams is only 17 but she can belt out lyrics like you wouldn't believe. I find that a lot of female singers in punk bands end up being drowned out by the drums and guitar. Not so for this chick. Her vocals come through powerful and clean throughout the album, which is entitled All We Know Is Falling. Paramores music is actually harder than you would expect for a band with a female vocalist in songs like Emergency and All We Know but in songs like My Heart Williams shows impressive range. The bottom line is this band has it all, catchy songs, awesome vocals and great lyrics. Buy the album.

4.) Of Montreal--So you say you like the Beatles and The Beach Boys? Check this band out. Of Montreal can best be described as Indie pop. Of Montreal is a band that is a lot of fun. If your feeling depressed their whimsical melodies and funky beats are sure to cheer you up. It seems like every time you turn the radio on these days you are bombarded by somebody screaming at you no matter what genre you choose. Of Montreal is the perfect band to listen to to get away from that. Songs like Forecast Fascist Future feature backing vocals and effects that really make you feel like your in the 70's. Trust me, you haven't heard anything like this before.

5.) Men, Women and Children--The only word that I can think of that fits this group is funky. They don't sound like anything else out there. I have heard it argued that at times they sound a bit like Motion City Soundtrack and they remind some people of 80's rock but to me neither of those seem to quite fit. Super catchy tunes that you will find yourself tapping your foot to like Dance In My Blood are what this band is all about. I can't even begin to describe their self titled album because every song sounds completely different than the last. The only thing I can tell you is that they don't dissapoint if you want high energy pop-rock tunes.

6.) Imogen Heap--A female vocalist with more of a traditional sound and a singing voice that is truly amazing. Imogen was originally in a band called Frou Frou. She now has a solo career. She has been featured on a lot of other artists records such as Blue October, Temposhark, Bon Jovi and Way Out West as well as on soundtracks for The Chronicles Of Narnia, The O.C. Mix 4 and 5 and Garden State. She has a unique sound that is designed to showcase her amazing singing strength. She leaves herself nothing to hide behind on tracks like Speeding Cars and Candlelight and she proves that with a true ability to sing all that is needed is a piano and good lyrics. Her album, Speak For Yourself, may be the most relaxing album you ever buy.

7.) The Format--This little group from Arizona is on their Sophomore release. Lead singer Nate Ruess has undeniable talent. This band is an example of how songs with mediocre lyrics can be transformed into indie pop gyms if they are played the right way and the right person sings them. On songs like Wait, Wait, Wait swinging guitar mixes perfectly with Ruess' crystal clear vocals. The Format also show a softer side in songs like On Your Porch, a sentimental ballad which is delivered perfectly by Ruess with a wavering voice in which you can truly feel the emotion of the lyrics. If you like MAE you will probably like these guys. For the perfect "sunny day on campus" music pick up Dog Problems or Interventions & Lullabies by The Format.

I hope you enjoy the bands as we start this new school year. Theres no telling what this year, or life in general, may bring but the one thing we can always count on to be there for us is our music. Music can make or break a situation and change your mood. Music Makes us happy when we are sad and wakes us when we are tired. lets face it, life without music wouldn't be nearly as much fun...

(Photo Credit: http://www.rareads.com/scans1/33501.jpg)
posted by Anonymous @ 8/16/2006 03:27:00 AM  
  • At 5:09 PM, August 16, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    I don't know. I disagree with Green Day's political stance (surprise, surprise...lol) but I think their last album was their best.

  • At 1:50 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger a monster-free tokyo said…

    Of Montreal is one of my favorite bands, though I'll admit I was a little upset to see them lumped in with the rest. I've seen the band live a couple of times, and they're excellent. But, I feel there's a history to this band that the rest of the bands lack. A Wikipedia search on "Elephant 6" would supply all the information pertaining to this. I also think Kevin Barnes & Co. actually have a working knowledge of rock and pop music, and have the capacity to put it into a context, whereas the rest of the bands mentioned probably lack the ability to opine on the advent of psychedelic rock, or the importance of David Bowie and Brian Eno in combining experimentalism with pop music and theatrical stage performances.

    Aren't Cute is What We Aim For the band whose parents gave them a ton of money so they could start a band? I fail to see any integrity or merit in that, especially when they've got not a modicum of originality. I don't know much about Paramore, but if they're on FBR, I doubt they're really anything more than a band signed to move units.

    Men, Women & Children are really good live, but they're kind of overrated. I mean, they're basically a modern version of disco; or, we could say disco after the advent of post-punk, from which it draws influence. I saw them open for Gang of Four back in the fall, and I'll admit that they were one of the more entertaining bands I'd seen in a while, but the record left a bit to be desired.

  • At 2:40 AM, August 18, 2006, Blogger a monster-free tokyo said…

    Well, I never said it wasn't fun music. I merely pointed out that I didn't particularly agree with the groupings; I would do the same if you'd placed a band like the New York Dolls in a list with a bunch of hair metal bands. Nothing personal, and it's just my two cents anyway. Though, I'll admit I have quite the distaste for Cute Is What We Aim For/Panic! at the Disco/Fall Out Boy, and I'll trash them at all possible moments.

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