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And the Bizarre Gets Bizarrer
Sunday, August 20, 2006
There are so many questions about the recent developments in the JonBenet murder case that the amount of questions on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Jeopardy and Press Your Luck combined would pale in comparison. Who is John Mark Karr? Who really is John Mark Karr? When was he in Boulder, Colorado when JonBenet was killed? When he even in Boulder, Colorado when JonBenet was killed? If he was not, what is the reason for confessing to the murder? If he was, why has he waited this long to confess to the crime? The list goes on and on and seems to expand daily. (The most recent questions are circling around Karr seeking treatment at a sex-change clinic while he was in Thailand.)

However, the most pressing question that arose today was not on the history or methods of John Mark Karr but of those escorting him to the United States from the southeastern Asian country. Karr, dressed like he was heading off to a party of some sort in a somewhat expensive-looking purple tie to compliment a blood-red dress shirt, was not cuffed while he waited for his 9 a.m. EDT flight at Don Muang International Airport and mingled with other passengers. Once onboard (in business class of all places!), Karr was treated like some sort of long-lost king, basking in the best that Thai Airways International had to offer.

Here's how John Mark Karr's flight went:

Prior to takeoff, he requested and was served champagne from a flight attendant while surrounded by three various officials with the task of getting Karr to the States safely. Upon receiving his glass, he clinked glasses with Mark Spray, an investigator in the Boulder County District Attorney's office. After the flight took off and Karr sat in his window seat with a free chance to enjoy the view below, he enjoyed a dinner of pate, a salad with walnut dressing and fried king pawn with steamed rice and broccoli all served on tablecloth complete with fine silverware. To wash that down, Karr drank a beer before drinking down a glass of French chardonnay. Before, during and after dinner, Karr talked and talked with his escort group before news crews began filming him. At that point, his prince-like moment was shot and he sat still like a stone except for one moment when he called an AP reporter out of the throng to give her a compliment.

Is this how our tax dollars should be spent? Feeding the potential slayer of JonBenet Ramsey the finest food offered on his flight while he chats with his escort group instead of the cheapest and lowest food offered in complete silence? Too often has this country's legal system and judicial system given into making criminals' lives better and nicer. Sadly, this prince-like treatment of Mr. Karr was probably the only thing that this country could do for him with the seemingly-brainless ACLU breathing down their neck with the false belief that criminals should be treated like regular citizens.

Here's the thing: they shouldn't. They committed a crime (or confessed to it). They lose some of their rights when they perform such actions. That means no more high-speed Internet, no more beer and champagne, no more friendly conversations with tax-paid officials. (And no more being able to vote although there are some folks who feel that criminals and former criminals should be able to.) Nothing. Sit back and think about what you've done. Hopefully you'll make peace with the Lord and everything can be forgiven but criminals should not be treated like John Mark Karr is being treated. That is not how the system should work. Not at all.

(Photo Credit: http://www.champagne-for-business.co.uk/Resources/magnumgroup.jpeg)
posted by Blake Fought @ 8/20/2006 10:46:00 PM  
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