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Why Aren't You There, NYT?
Friday, July 07, 2006
I find it odd when people make the charge that there is no liberal media bias in today's world. Apparently they haven't read the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, USA Today or Los Angeles Times and haven't watched a minute of CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC or PBS. Those are just a few examples on the national level - there are plenty more papers and outlets that spew liberal bias besides the big guns of the industry. (Some charge that the Roanoke Times has a liberal slant but I find them to be more centrist than slanted to either side.)

One way to expose liberal media bias is to watch for how a certain paper, network, radio station or blog cover various issues when they occur in our world. Recently the New York Times was exposed as a terrorist organization when they gave out intelligence secrets to the American public, the rest of the world and those good 'ole terrorists out there.

But I won't get into that issue - you've more than likely already heard about it and discovered that the Times is indeed anti-American, liberal and terrorist-supporting. My issue today is the lack of coverage of Delaware senator Joe Biden's recent comments about the makeup of his state.

Biden, a Democrat, was caught on tape by C-SPAN videocameras back in June in New Hampshire speaking about his state's growing population of Indian-Americans: "You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

The Left has had a tendency to claim that they are the party for racial equality. (They seem to forget that the party that formed out of a desire to see an end to slavery and eventually ended it was actually the GOP.) Yet, where are they to pounce on this guy for his comments? Surely if a Republican had made that comment, he would have had to apologize, rent his house out to a whole Indian-American family and remove his right arm as punishment.

The New York Times, Washington Post and the rest of most of the previously mentioned outlets have refused to cover the story at all, protecting Comrade Biden from being chewed out for a racist statement. Oh, but it is ok for people to attack Ann Coulter for saying that radical Representative John Murtha (D-PA) is "the reason soldiers invented 'fragging.' (For those not familiar with 'fragging,' check out this link.)" and claiming that comment meant that Murtha should be 'fragged.' (Which she did not.)

Ah, but even when a politician is truly threatened by his opponent, unless he is of the Democratic party there is little or no coverage of the story in the aforementioned outlets. Where were you, New York Times, when Bob Mulholland, senior advisor to Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Angelides, said in 2003 that "Schwarzenegger is going to find out, that unlike a Hollywood movie set, the bullets coming at him in this campaign are going to be real bullets and he is going to have to respond to them" - I suppose coming out and saying that you plan to assassinate a Republican is ok because it means one less vote for the winning party in the presidential race every four years. That's the only reason I can think of.

No liberal media bias? Please, open your eyes, dear readers. It's out there in its disgusting, vile glory.

(Photo Credit: http://www.thatliberalmedia.com/target.jpg)
posted by Blake Fought @ 7/07/2006 01:56:00 PM  
  • At 10:08 PM, July 08, 2006, Blogger Qualario said…

    You make me laugh, Blake. When did you turn into a humor columnist?

    If you want proof that the media has largely rolled over for Bush, try checking out the thousands of bits of misinformation from conservative media figures on MediaMatters.org. There's also a new book out called "Lapdogs" that covers this. But seriously, if you really think Faux News is indeed fair or balanced, I think your view on this is a bit skewed.

    Also, the New York Times is a terrorist organization? You've been listening to a bit too much Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, friend. It's doing it's job as a check on the government, exposing all sorts of corruption and illegal dealings by Bush and Friends. And this latest hullabaloo over the SWIFT program is laughable. If you really thought that al-Qaeda didn't think we were tracking their finances, when the president ANNOUNCED we were doing so shortly after 9/11, you're either willfully ignorant or foolish.

    Oh, and Biden's comments were stupid and insensitive, there's no doubt about it--and I'm pretty sure Maureen Dowd wrote about it for the Times.

  • At 3:32 PM, July 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was going to come in here and comment, but John said it perfectly.

    The terrorist organization part really made me laugh. Blake certainly seems apt to quote his freedoms when it supports what he wants, and, conversely, apt to desire the suppression of freedoms when he feels they do not coincide with whatever the mouthpieces of the Right are saying.

    Please, Blake, try to have an original thought that doesn't come from either the mouth of some White House spokesperson, President Bush, or Brian Erskine.

  • At 10:19 PM, July 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What is with the obsession with linking Erskine with anyone who is mildly conservative? It's not like Erskine is the head of the RNC. Blake's just saying what he believes.

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