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A Simple Request
Monday, July 03, 2006
Calendar-inept folks might not be aware that tomorrow happens to be the Fourth of July and the United States is yet another year older. Those explosions you will be hearing are not gunshots or a splinter cell's terrorist attack, they will be that of fireworks. Whew, right?

And while I know that this request will likely go on deaf ears, I have to make it. It goes out to anyone who falls under the various categories I will mention, not a certain political party, racial or ethnic group, religious group or any other type of division you can think of - it applies to all Americans. (Please note that not all of the following will apply to most people.):

For just one day, can you please quit attacking our President, the Vice President, the Cabinet and the rest of the Bush administration? For just one day, can you please quit attacking the brave men and women of our military and their just cause overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and abroad protecting this country from international terrorism, radical Islam, weapons of mass destruction and the rest of dangers that threaten this country on a daily basis? For just one day, can you please refrain from pouring gasoline on the flag, whipping out a cheap cigarette lighter used to help further its owner's shortcomings and developing case of lung cancer and using it to torch the flag?

For just one day, can those who claim that they'd rather live overseas than America make up their mind and either leave or shut up? For just one day, can we smile instead of frown upon that which makes this country great?

For just one day, can we all actually be proud to live in this country where morality (to some degree) is important to us, where we are kept safe by a military of the many and of the willing, where hamburgers and hot dogs will be cooking on a hot grill while you can enjoy a cold beverage as they sit there in all of their wonderful-smelling glory, where the fireworks will be exploding in the sky both for entertainment and for a reminder of days past when the fireworks in the sky were part of protecting this country and where the flag shall fly high in the breeze as little children walk by and salute?

It is really not a lot to ask, folks. Just one day - tomorrow. Afterward you can go back to whatever floats your boat and we can continue our debate on why I am right and you are wrong... :P

Thanks in advance!

(Photo Credit: http://star.walagata.com/w/nothingmo/nf.jpg)
posted by Blake Fought @ 7/03/2006 10:31:00 PM  
  • At 11:52 PM, July 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Too late.

    Cindy Sheehan and the rest of the anti-war people are going to fast tomorrow (July 4th) in protest of the war. Apparently Sheehan noticed that her 15 minutes of fame had already passed and decided that she needed to try to secure another 15. What a card.


  • At 5:54 PM, July 04, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    That's really upsetting, Ken. So is this other story about people burning the flag on America's greatest day. Some people simply can't just kick back, eat a hot dog and a cold drink and watch the fireworks on the Fourth.

  • At 1:11 PM, July 05, 2006, Blogger Qualario said…

    I am a progressive, and like every other progressive I've ever known, I'm extremely proud to live in this country. I'm proud of the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the other amendments. I support the rights of people who choose to make their voices heard in protest of the actions of their government--that very right is one of most democratic, freedom-loving, American things we can celebrate.

    This country was founded by protestors. The Declaration of Independence itself was a statement of protest against the injustices of the British crown. I, for one, am glad that those founders did not content themselves to suffer the mistreatments of the colonies by Britain, instead choosing to raise their voices in a mighty protest. So on July 4th, I will not stop pointing out the incompetencies of the Bush administration, because it is my patriotic *duty* not to.

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