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Little/No Love for Israel
Thursday, July 13, 2006
It is no secret that the majority of the Middle East cannot stand Israel. After all, the Jews (sometimes with or without the Christians) and the Muslims have been waging on-and-off war with each other for centuries for the control of the Holy Land and most of the Middle East is filled with Muslims, some of them descendants of those who fought in the past and thus have some form of dislike for the Jewish nation.

But what truly disgusts me is when the rest of the world rears their ugly faces in attacking Israel with words.

As if you haven't heard (and how couldn't you have but ok...), Israel moved into Gaza as a response to Hamas refusing to surrender a kidnapped Israeli soldier and has recently begun operations to the north in Lebanon after members of Hezbollah kidnapped two more soldiers. Since then, France, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Great Britain, Greece and the U.N. have all condemned Israel's actions, mostly using the phrase "disproportionate" in connection with the use of force that Israel has been using.

Russia went so far as to say that "one cannot justify the continued destruction by Israel of the civilian infrastructure in Lebanon and in Palestinian territory, involving the disproportionate use of force in which the civilian population suffers."

Here's something, Russia - who the heck cares?

Granted, it is always bad when civilians are injured or killed in war but Israel is 100% in the right here. Those who attack their actions have to consider what they would do if one of their neighbors went across the border and kidnapped one of their soldiers. U.S. detractors should think about what they would suggest if the great Canadian Mounties swooped into West Virginia through the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania and kidnapped Jessica Lynch?

According to the rest of the world and the detractors here at home, it would be wrong of us to storm into Canada and bring Pvt. Lynch home.

But nobody seems to care when Israel is attacked. And if they respond to those attacks with force, they are so in the wrong. The amount of anti-Semitism in this world is staggering.

(Photo Credit: http://cpctucson.org/images/D4%20Israeli%20flag.jpg)
posted by Blake Fought @ 7/13/2006 01:15:00 PM  
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