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Here's Some Random Facebook Groups
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
In somewhat of the spirit of the Randomness series (which I promise I will bring back this weekend, you dearly frustrated readers), I have decided to take the time to search through the various groups on Facebook to find some of the interesting ones you might not have heard about.

10. I Get Bored and Join Random Groups - This group, which currently has eight members, is a must for those who are interested in joining any of the groups listed below or anyone who, for some reason, decided to surf Radford Facebook and join a random group just for the heck of it.

9. Anti-Vegetarian Club - This group, which currently has 34 members, is a must for those who enjoy eating meat. What helps make the group a bit more comical is the group's picture, which says: "For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three" with a picture of a monkey, koala and toucan coming out of a dish.

8. Global Warming = One Big Lie - This group, founded recently by yours truly, has two members and claims that the crisis of global warming is nothing more than a McCarthyism-esque scare story created by the liberal media and the bizarre scientists who believe in it.

7. J.J. Sucks - A group with 10 members who cannot stand former Duke guard and current Orlando Magic G J.J. Redick, who incidentally is from this area. Yes, for those who did not know, Redick played at Cave Spring High School, which is in Roanoke, Virginia, about an hour from good 'ole Radford.

6. I Hate the Vick Brothers! - A group made up of 20 members and founded by yours truly for those who cannot stand former Virginia Tech and current Atlanta Falcons QB Michael Vick and former Tech and current Miami Dolphins QB Marcus Vick. Ron Mexico supporters, shy away from this group...

5. I Pop Bubble Wrap Compulsively - A group with 17 members who cannot avoid popping those tiny little air bubbles found on bubble wrap. Pop 'em individually, as a whole, stepping on the bubble wrap on the floor, rolling it up and twisting it - whatever method floats your boat, if you enjoy popping the stuff, join this group.

4. The Unhandicapped Handicap Button Users - A group with four members founded by yours truly for those who press the Handicap buttons to help get around campus for whatever reason. Most likely it is out of laziness but hey, it is cool to have the door open for you. It's like having an invisible doorman that you don't have to tip!

3. I Don't Get Out of the Way of the Utility Carts that Drive Through Campus - A group with 60 members for those who get tired of having to move so that the Radford University utility carts can hog up the space on the sidewalks and driveways. No more walking in the grass!

2. Democrat, Republican; it Doesn't Matter! George W Bush Looks Like a Cowboy Pimp In This Pic - A group with seven members of any political party who think that the picture that is up as the group's picture makes President George W. Bush look really pimp-like. Come on, you know it is true...

1. They Don't Like Me On Whim Because I am Right - A group founded by RUnderground and Whim writer Ray Gunter regarding the treatment of some posters in the Whim comment sections. According to the group's description, it is "for everyone who has been called every name in the book on Whim's forum but doesn't really care because you know at the end of the day you are right."

(Photo Credit: Blake Fought)
posted by Blake Fought @ 7/05/2006 03:52:00 PM  
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