Seems like not long ago when a younger ( his hair was still full of color compared to how it has started to turn a full gray today) George W. Bush had just won the 2000 Election over Vice President Al Gore for the third time to become the 43rd President of the United States. ( He won after the count and after the recount before winning for good in the halls of the Supreme Court.) But that was six years ago and the President is no longer just a regular guy who served as the Governor of Texas and traded outfielder Sammy Sosa when he was the owner of the Texas Rangers, he's now a seasoned veteran of the Oval Office. And today, he has reached yet another significant milestone in his life on this planet. And we at RUnderground would like to take the time to wish President George W. Bush a very Happy Birthday as the Commander-in-Chief turns 60 today. Hope it's a good one, Mr. President and hopefully there are many more to come in your life! (Photo Credit: http://archives.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/02/11/bush.healthcare/story.bush.speech.health.jpg) |
Happy Birthday, Mr. Bush. If I could give you a gift this year, I'd give you a big box full of some competence and a reasonable command of English language.