Hillary Clinton must think of herself to be such a genius after what she said recently in Arkansas. The senator from New York said that Democrats need to change their public speaking approach to avoid angering Republican/conservative-minded voters.
Clinton said that they were "wasting time" when they "do things that are controversial" and even went so far as to say that the Left "do[es] things that try to inflame [the conservative] base."
Oh, gee. What a great idea, Mrs. Clinton. From now on, Democrats will try to avoid any issue that will tick off conservatives. Let's take the time to go through these topics, alright?
-No supporting gay marriage. (
That ticks us Christian conservatives off so much.)
-No opposing the War in Iraq. (
We see it as a success unlike you do.)
-No more of the global warming myth. (
We don't buy it no matter how many of your operatives make movies about it.)
-No more supporting abortion. (
We honestly do think that it is murder.)
-No more supporting stem cell research. (
See above.)
-No more supporting gun control. (
That Second Amendment thing? We really don't think the Founding Fathers were joking when they wrote it.)
-No more supporting amnesty for illegals. (
Yeah, we really don't think it is a good thing to award an illegal action.)
-No more "Bush = Hitler"-esque comments. (
Yeah, it's completely wrong, stupid and does tick us off.)
-No more opposing drilling in the ANWR. (
With gas prices high and us needing a way to fix that problem, it really does make sense to us to give it a go.)
-No supporting higher taxes. (
Look, we already think the government gets enough cash and you want to raise taxes?)
-No supporting the teaching of the religion of evolution in the schools. (
Most of us don't buy into it, sorry.)
So let's see. You can talk about, well, pretty much nothing. Good idea, Mrs. Clinton. When is your next genius idea coming because I'd love to hear it! :)
(Photo Credit: http://www.hotairamerica.com/images/HillaryXBugeyes-200.jpg)
while I am a Democrat I do agree the Hillary is nuts. Fortunately for all of us she is un-electable. I'd love to see the Dems win the next presidential election but if they run hillary i'm voting independent.