Most of society is comfortable with someone else speaking for them, even though they may not realize it or admit it. They elect leaders into power in government, clubs, organizations, businesses, schools and universities, sports and sometimes even in the church to speak for them.
Those who stand up and speak out for what they believe in are some of the greatest of people because their voices will be heard for as long as they are remembered. They refuse to allow someone else to speak for them on whatever issue it is that they open their mouth because they feel for it so passionately that no one else can properly state their position. It may also be because those in power may be corrupt, of a differing view or for some other reason but the primary reason is because of their passion to speak.
Recently, an article was published in the
Las Vegas Review-Journal about a story of faith and strength in today's world that will seemingly stop at nothing to squelch any mentioning of one's faith (
well, only if that faith is Christianity but still...). The hero in the story is Foothill High School Valedictorian Brittany McComb, a Christian, who decided to rebel against this country's anti-Christian education system by refusing to yield to demands that her speech have any mentioning of Jesus Christ or God.
The 4.7 GPA graduate's 750-word speech was censored by school officials prior to the reading, removing six references to the Lord or Jesus Christ. Also removed were two Biblical references that spoke of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross so that those who believe in him shall not perish but attain everlasting life in heaven. This hackjob would not stand with McComb, who said that God was "the biggest part of my life" and gave the original version of her commencement speech anyways, prompting school officials to turn the microphone off with the valedictorian in mid-speech.
The decision drew sharp criticism from some of the 400 FHS graduates and their families but was ignored by school officials and (
surprise, surprise) the American "Civil Liberties" Union, who called McComb's speech proselytizing and said that it would have been wrong for her to continue because of the so-called "separation of church and state" (
which, mind you, does not exist - the First Amendment was created so that the United States would not have an official religion established like it was in England at the time. The Amendment was never put in place to separate church and state. Never.).
McComb, will attend Biola University, a private Christian school in California, this fall to study journalism, was clearly bothered by the decision by the school system and delivered biting criticism on the situation when she told the Review-Journal, "I went through four years of school at Foothill and they taught me logic and they taught me freedom of speech. Just like other valedictorians thank their parents, I wanted to thank my Lord and Savior."
But the ACLU would have none of it, once again working to silence the voice of anything that speaks positive about Christianity and faith. However, their violation of McComb's First Amendment rights did not stop her message. In fact, they caused it to reach more houses than that of the 400 FHS graduates because of making a big deal about a speech that did nothing wrong but speak about how the Lord helped an intelligent girl become the top of her class. After all, a good deal of Las Vegas residents who would not have gone to the FHS graduation ceremony now know what Brittany McComb wanted to let be known. A good deal of people in the state of Nevada who might not have even heard of Foothill High School or Brittany McComb now know her and her message. And a good deal of people across the United States and abroad now know Foothill High School, Brittany McComb and the message that she wanted to put forth.
All that she needed to do was to take a stand against the anti-Christian forces that are growing in large numbers in today's world and take the microphone. Although the power was cut in mid-speech, what was said and what was going to be said will transcend throughout time as long as those who know it remember it.
(Photo Credit: http://www.chrishambly.com/uploaded_images/microphone-737883.jpg)