Dear readers, those who may have just dropped by our site within the past couple of hours may have noticed that the sidebar to the right with the various sections has vanished. Do not fret - a few changes have gone down here at RUnderground. First, there were complaints coming in that the sheer size of all of the articles on the main page and the photos that go with them were causing some users trouble with loading our main page. For a good number of readers, the loading time was incredibly slow. As a result, I have adjusted the main page so that only our 30 most recent articles will show. "Where are the rest," you might ask and "how might I access them?" It's simple. Where the section sidebar once was is now a link to the RUnderground Archives where all of our articles are listed in chronological order. Accompaning each of them is name of the author, the date it was submitted and what section it falls under. Feel free to add the Archives to your bookmark list along with the main page of RUnderground and I hope these changes help the problem that some readers were complaining about. (Photo Credit: http://ancient-kemau.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/archives.jpg) |
Thank you, thank you! No more annoying lag anymore waiting for the page to load! :)