It certainly has not been a good week for the backers of Judeo-Christian values around the world. Consider that it was announced this week that 52, a new graphic novel by DC Comics will feature the return of Batwoman (who has not appeared since 1979) as a crime-fighting
lesbian, a ruling by the Jerusalem District Court that
forces Jerusalem to pay the city's Gay and Lesbian Center NIS 350,000 for three years worth of "cultural and social activities" that the city refused to fund the group and that babies in the UK are being aborted more often for
minor birth defects such as having club feet, webbed fingers or extra fingers or toes. Then add to it a recent push in the Netherlands by pedophiles to establish their own political party whose primary position is to establish the legalization of child pornography, sexual relations with animals and sexual relations with children as young as age 12 and it would make sense that any backer of Judeo-Christian values would utter "yikes!"
The party, who became official this past Wednesday, is known as the "Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party" and said on their web site that their goal was to "shake The Hague awake."
Ah, but their goal is not just cutting the age limit down to 12 for a child to be able to engage in sexual relations with an adult. They want the limit cut altogether over time.
Ad van den Berg, one of party's founders, told a local newspaper that "a ban just makes children curious" and that "we want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion."
Much like homosexuals, bisexuals and transexuals have tried to do in the past few decades, Van den Berg and his fellow pedophiles not only want the rights they claim that they (
as well as the innocent children they want to engage in sexual relations with) are entitled to, they want to make their sexual preference socially acceptable.
"We want to get into parliament so we have a voice," Van den Berg said in an interview with Reuters, "Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals."
The gay movement has seen a good deal of opposition from both Judeo-Christian backers as well as those who do not support traditional values. Thankfully, the pedophile movement has been met with much more resistance than the gay movement, especially in a country that has a soft collection of policies on gay marriage and prostitution. 82 percent of Dutch citizens said in a public opinion poll that they wanted the government to do something to shut down the party's operations while a pitiful 67 percent said that they felt that promoting pedophilia should be illegal.
Most would say those numbers are encouraging to those who oppose pedophilia but they really are the opposite. Assuming that those numbers reflect the voice of the Netherlands, one out of every five Dutch citizens could care less about the formation of a political party that supports sexual immorality and nearly one of three could care less about the promoting of sexual relations with the innocent. Those are not good numbers, folks, especially coming from a country whose slant is best described as off to the moderate Left.
Consider also that the NVD supports broadcasting pornography on daytime television with "violent pornography limited to the late evening," sex education for children as young as toddlers, allowing 16-year-olds to prostitute themselves, sex with animals, public nudity and the legalization of all forms of drugs and this is one dangerous movement that is brewing in the Netherlands. Europe has always been a step ahead of the United States in its self-created Euro-liberalism that usually seeps into the US after a couple of decades.
Could we as Americans see a NVD in America in 10-20 years? It is certainly possible and almost probable considering the trend of our country's decreasing moral standards.