Dear readers, it seems like it was not long ago when I was writing the In Appreciation of Readership announcement article applauding the loyal readers we have here at RUnderground after we broke the 2,500 page views mark and now, here I am looking at the numbers before me and in a little more than two months, this endeavor that we have set up here has now passed the halfway point to 10,000 views. And that, dear readers, is amazing. To be honest, I did not expect this much success this early. We admittingly got this thing off of the idea board late in the spring semester so not as many people on campus were able to hear about RUnderground and be able to read what we come to offer on a regular basis. I imagine that when the fall semester begins and more people hear about this place not only will the hit counter rise at a higher percent but the interest to join our already great staff will also increase as well. I do not want to write a long and drawn out article about this great event and so I will close by once again thanking you, our dear readers, for stopping by and taking the time to read our articles and feel free to post comments as you please ( again, please respect our request to avoid vulgarity and needless personal attacks). Enjoy the rest of the summer and remember to drop by frequently because we are always working hard to bring you the best that we have to offer! (Photo Credit: http://www.terrapininc.com/Cards%20Note/Gooey%20Paste%20Thanks%20You.jpg) |
No prob, dude!