When the dust had finally settled and the fires had taken their last gasps of oxygen, America had only begun to understand the extent of what had occured on September 11th, 2001. What was clear was that the second greatest nation in the world had been attacked by some outside force, many innocent lives had been butchered by those responsible, retribution was in order and there were numerous families that had been forever damaged as a result of the day's terrorist attacks.
For the most part, those families retreated like most do when a loved one has passed away to their closest friends and other relatives. They went behind closed doors to cry, to grieve, to find some way to overcome the fact that their husbands and wives would never be coming home through the front door and that Mommy and Daddy were on a long vacation and wouldn't be back for a long time. In their solace, they learned strength and recieved aid and comfort from their local churches in dealing with such a horrible event. They got pats on their backs anytime they went out in public and were found sometimes to be hiding behind a pair of opaque sunglasses to cover up their ruined makeup from the tears that had fallen in the car.
Theirs is a story of sadness, of mourning.
Not so is it with the Breitweiser, Casazza, Van Auken and Kleinberg families. Theirs is a story of a selfish lust for power and fame at the expense of their fallen husbands in the ashes of that dreadful September day.
They are called the "Jersey Girls" - Kristin Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Lorie Van Auken, and Mindy Kleinberg, all four widows as a result of the 9/11 attacks by Islamic fanatical Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, Al Qaeda. They are a world famous bunch, most known for their push to get the 9/11 Comission into being.
But the Girls are also known for being little more than politicial scum being thrust into the spotlight to both their own delight and the delight of the Democratic party in a sneaky attempt to attack America, President George W. Bush and his administration. Like the limelight-seeking Cindy Sheehan, these four have been rushed to the microphone to mouth off and blame everyone in this country short of the victims themselves like mentally-handicapped Colorado professor Ward Churchill likes to believe.
Recently, the four "rock stars of grief" (term coined by Debra Burlingame, another 9/11 widow who commented on the Jersey Girls' actions back in 2004) have fallen under attack by politicial commentator Ann Coulter in her latest book entitled
Godless: the Church of Liberalism. This has led to, of course, Coulter being assualted for daring to touch these "grieving" four.
After all, they're widows, Ann, leave them alone... right? This is what we as Americans are told by the media, (namely NBC but we'll get to them later on).
The problem with the media is that they deify these dissenters because something bad has occured in their lives and as result, they should be allowed to spout off without any end. Anyone who attacked socialist Cindy Sheehan for bashing President Bush, carrying the "withdraw the troops" torch and insulting everything her son died for was immediately railed at by the Left with their sweet and caring "how dare you!" response. Now it's Coulter feeling the wrath of the Left for daring to attack these uninformed, incorrect, spotlight-seeking nitwits.
NBC's Brian Williams noted that, "Just when you think that it seems that there are no limits on anything, someone comes along and makes a comment that goes over the line - the line that is shared by just about everybody because some things are, it turns out, still sacred."
Coulter properly shot back with, "[The left] sends out spokespeople, who - because of some personal tragedy - we're not allowed to respond to. Because their husbands died in 9/11, because they had a son die in Iraq. If they're making a point worthmaking, if they're entering the public dialogue, how about letting Howard Dean make the point."
And she's right on. For some reason we are told that the Jersey Girls are untouchable because they went through a personal tragedy. For some reason these four nitwits are allowed to say such garbage like "three thousand people were murdered on George Bush's watch" and "I watched my husband murdered live on TV. At any point in time the casualties could have been lessened, and it seems to me there wasn't even an attempt made" without being pressed or questioned.
Thank God for Ann Coulter because she is going up against these radicals. She's taking the heat from the Left for daring to attack their untouchable hounds. And through it all, she is one hundred percent correct.