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Eh, Comrades!?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Proletariats, rejoice! For the great comrade Murtha has once again come to our cause to melt down the pillars of bourgeois domination once again! Just yesterday, I received word that our esteemed comrade spoke in the state of Florida about the current state of our world. His words were loud and were a hammer to the foundations of proper thought that has seemed to have infested the leadership of this land.

Our comrade has been under attack by those who do not understand our cause that he is without a doubt a part of. But even with the vile breath of the enemy breathing down his neck, Comrade Murtha was strong and spoke with such enthusiasm that every one of us here today would be considered heartless if we did not shed a tear! He was swift in refusing to give into the demands of the vicious bourgeois that a person be innocent until proven guilty when he claimed that the collection of this lands' military units performed an illegal action in Haditha, Iraq. I repeat again, he did not yield! Innocent until proven guilty? A phrase meant for nobody but the vile occupants of this land! Let them have their "long held beliefs!"

Comrade Murtha was strong when he told our fellow Floridian-based comrades that victory is not the goal in Iraq. We have known this for a long time despite the charges of the vile men who occupy the offices of government in this land. Victory means defeat, as we know. For our revolution to occur, we need all available men here at home which is why we must ensure that all three of our comrades working under the veil of America's dictator-esque military must return home!

I will not lie, comrades. I shed a slew of tears today after hearing the words of Comrade Murtha. For a moment, forget the great message that I have so far revealed to you from he who cannot be any truer, for he said something that was grand and true. Eyes fixed upon his gaze and ears tilted towards his grand stature, our comrade silenced the voices across these lands when he said that a military presence in Iraq was more dangerous to world peace than that of the nuclear threats coming from Iran and North Korea.

Praise be to the great Marx that we as a people can still speak such propaganda and actually be believed! If not, I fear that many would rally to the side of the bourgeois and believe in the cause for freedom. I can only hope, comrades, that we can forever be able to speak such propaganda.

And with that, comrades, I bid you goodnight!

(Photo Credit: http://in.yimg.com/xp/reuters_ids_new/20060103/06/1613912291.jpg)
posted by Blake Fought @ 6/25/2006 10:54:00 PM  
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