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Axis Powers
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Mark it down: a war with Iran means a war with Iran AND Syria. Late this past week, the two nations' defense ministers met in Tehran to sign a military cooperation agreement against "common threats" that could come from the United States or Israel.

Of course, anyone who has followed American military operations the past few years would be hard-pressed not to chuckle at some of the things these guys said.

Both ministers smiled and sneered at the threats that could be presented against their terrorist nations. They also dished out a great deal of ironic statements regarding policies that would affect the Middle East region.

They said that one of their goals was to work towards "ridding the region of weapons of mass destruction" (which was directed at Israel's possession of nuclear weapons) which is quite comical considering Iran's nuclear weapons program that has drawn the ire of the international community.

What was perhaps even more comical was the following declaration by Iranian defense minister Mostafa Mohammad: "US threats are a kind of psychological operation. It is not new. With unity among the region's nations, these threats will not prevail."

Wow. Apparently this guy forgot about the successful takeovers of Afghanistan and Iraq by the United States and coalition forces.

Of course what was most comical was the final quote by Mohammad that "[Iran's] enemies should know about [Iran's] capabilities and should not even think about an assault."

Riiiiiight. After all, America was warned by Iraq about the mighty power of the Iraqi Republican Guard. And those guys were so difficult to overcome. Ooooh. Aaaah.
posted by Blake Fought @ 6/18/2006 02:38:00 PM  
  • At 11:25 PM, June 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Afghanistan had no army to speak of when we took it and Iraq had never recovered from the first Gulf war. There is no doubt that we could take both Iran and Syria if we wanted to but in all seriousness it would be a much much bigger undertaking than Afghanistan or Iraq.

  • At 11:41 AM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    That could very well be true but I get tired of hearing the "no way will you take us and our mighty military!" charge coming from our enemies when they can clearly see that we have the best and most effective military in history.

  • At 1:09 PM, June 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so now that we both agree that its entirely possible for the U.S. to knock off Iran and Syria the real question is....what should we do about it?

  • At 3:17 PM, June 28, 2006, Blogger Blake Fought said…

    Well, I'm interested in seeing how the situation pans out for a while as there hasn't been a lot of news on this topic in the past week or so (atleast that I have seen).

    Of course, I'm not privy to intelligence reports but certainly it seems that this crisis is going to either be worked out through diplomacy or through a war. I do not see Iran backing down for no reason.

    But one thing is certain: we cannot allow a nuclear Iran to develop. It'll threaten our ally in Israel and can threaten a good deal of Europe if the reports that they are trying to get long-range missiles that can hit Europe are true.

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