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Your Weekly Dose of Randomness, IV
Monday, May 15, 2006
Ok, fine, you got me. I was lazy and did not write up this past weekend's Randomness article. However, all is not lost, dear readers, for I have taken the time today to make up for it by working long and hard to find more interesting and bizarre stories of the week for you all to enjoy. So ... enjoy!

4. Generally, when you go fishing you do not expect to land anything larger than 500 pounds. Heck, you do not go out expecting to land anything larger than 700 pounds. So you could imagine that shock that set in for Andy Whitbread when he reeled in a 750-pound hammerhead off Boca Grande, Florida. Whitbread has already contacted the International Game Fish Association to attempt to claim the top spot for the largest fish ever caught. The current record was a 620 pound hammerhead caught in Freeport, Texas in 1976.

3. If you're a Republican, you wonder what she is trying to pull. If you're a Democrat, you wonder why in heaven's name she is complimenting a guy you loathe so much. Who are the two people I am referring to, you ask? The female is Hillary Clinton, "New York" senator. The male is President George W. Bush. Clinton recently dealt out a bevy of compliments about Bush in a talk at the National Archives, "He is someone who has a lot of charm and charisma, and I think in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I was very grateful to him for his support for New York." She went on further to compliment the President's response to 9/11 and to compliment the President as a person. It is a bizarre move by Clinton because it doesn't make sense to either political parties.

2. Most people wouldn't mind if they were to pick up a couple of bucks for free. For the citizens of Boulder City, Nevada, a boatload of cash may be a couple of votes away from falling right into their laps. The reason for this is because of a recent ballot initiative that could appear on the November ballot that would call for the city to sell over 167 square miles of undeveloped land some 25 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Because of how the real estate market is in the area, the 15,000 residents of Boulder City would all share a piece of the multi-billion dollar deal if it were to go through despite opposition from city officials, who promise to fight the forced land sale. Why should they? If the deal were to go through, every man, woman and child in town would become an instant millionare.

1. I never played for the varsity basketball team in high school, I played lunch ball with a handful of the guys who did along with two other groups of people - those who could play but couldn't make the team and those who should never pick up a basketball ... ever. I play ball a couple of times a week with some friends at Peters Hall when classes are in session. Needless to say, I wouldn't consider myself one of the top players in the country. Apparently someone else in a similar position does.

His name is David Issacs and he hails from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He is 5-6, 135, and plays intramural basketball. And in case you haven't heard about this guy - he is declaring for the NBA Draft. Yeah, you heard me right, this is not a joke. The guard, who "feature[s] a sweet left-handed jump shot" and admits he "averaged about five points and three assists in 25 minutes per game" in intramural play at UCSC, was shunned by the NBA Players Association when he tried to inquire about workouts and combines for the Draft before eventually hiring an agent. Apparently this clown really thinks he has a shot at making an NBA roster, telling SI.com in an article he wrote, "What? You're not sold on me yet because of my size? That's what they said about Calvin Murphy, who at 5-9 and 165 pounds was "too small to play in the NBA." He went on to score 17,949 points in 13 seasons and was named to the Basketball Hall of Fame. And unlike Joakim Noah, I can really use the first-round money." Somebody call the Betty Ford Center, this guy has to be loaded.
posted by Blake Fought @ 5/15/2006 03:36:00 PM  
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