Today's Roanoke Times includes a good read on last semester's two big controversies and also dropped a small advertisement for this page in an article that can be read at the following link: http://www.roanoke.com/news/nrv/wb/wb/xp-65851. It covered the controversy regarding Radford rising junior Christian Keesee's "Christ on Campus" cartoon series produced on Radford's other Internet magazine, Whim that erupted into a major news story in the New River Valley and beyond from mid-February to late March. It also covered the controversy that developed late in the semester over Brian Erskine's March 29 article for The Tartan that criticized sexual irresponsibility in this great nation. Throughout the article, Roanoke Times writer Amy L. Kovac makes a good point: the university decided not to take sides on either issue. It could have been very easy for the university to side with Christians and remove "Christ on Campus" while allowing Erskine's article to be printed. It also could have been very easy for the university to side with the Left and keep "Christ on Campus" printing while removing Erskine's article. But, in the end, the university made a strong statement through their actions - they will not drag themselves into a murky place by showing a bias for either side despite the personal opinions of their employees. Interesting enough, the article also dropped a small advertisement for our magazine when it said, "Erskine will not be on the staff of The Tartan next year but may write some articles for Whim or for a new informal Internet magazine called RUnderground." All-in-all, I thought it was a good read. Any Radford student still in the area should be encouraged to pull out two quarters from their pocket and purchase a copy of the Roanoke Times today. |