President George W. Bush strolled up to the Oval Office moments ago and delivered a speech that was, for the most part short and to the point. Thankfully it did not last too long so that
24 would be delayed a considerable amount of time. The President was confident and direct at points. Oh, and he was also wrong on most of the points he said.
The first point he brought up was to secure the border. Right now, illegal immigrants are flowing into this country faster than how quick a Google search takes. They are coming in by the droves and there currently are little ways to stop them. The border is an open window to this country for those desiring to steal away jobs from hard-working Americans, refuse to pay taxes and fill out the paperwork necessary to become an American citizen. I addressed this in a satirical piece entitled "
A Free Ride to Radford University."
While Bush clearly appealed to the Right by promising to mobilize the National Guard to help control the border and to use technology such as motion sensors and surveillance cameras to block the flow of illegals, it is simply not enough. What we do need is a large wall across the entire southern border. Something that would give the Great Wall of China some competition. Or a moat. Illegal immigration is a serious concern and will destroy this nation and its economy if it is not controlled soon. A couple extra guys across the southern border here and there will not cut it, Mr. Bush.
You do not sit idly by and hope your kids do not catch deadly diseases. No, you vacinate them before it could get into their body. Illegal immigration is like a plague take tries to invade your body. You do not just allow a plague to get into your body - you build a wall of defense to ensure that if it tries to get into your body, it won't.
The President also proposed a temporary workers program. Sure, it does promote honest immigration and makes sure that those who come into this country to do the "jobs that no American will do" get their due but it is not the right course of action if the borders are not secure because these people can sneak right in and take those jobs away. He also proposed that the government be strict with employers who hire illegals. That's splendid. It is also a growing problem that some employers lower their wages and give them to illegals because, in all honesty, they will work for anything. I'm not big on the ID program suggested, however. It's just another step in the long path to the eventual Mark of the Beast.
The President wrapped up the speech telling us that we must face the reality that there are illegals in our country. I'm sorry, Mr. President, but I refuse. Illegal is illegal. If there are illegals in theis country, they should be deported. What part of I-L-L-E-G-A-L do you not understand, Mr. President? We cannot give into these people and let them continue to abuse our country. If they want to get into this great nation, they can get off of their lazy behinds and fill out the necessary paperwork and pay their taxes just like every American does. We don't give special handouts, here (
well, that is until we reform the nearly useless welfare system hopefully sometime within the next decade).
We cannot and should not grant amnesty to illegals.
The fifth point was "Honor the Great American Tradition of Melting Pot" -
Sorry, but no. If it is a melting pot of people who have come into here legally, alright, sure. But I will not respect the melting pot whose smell is tainted.
All-in-all, the President delievered aa weak speech that partially gives into the illegal agenda and appeals to the far-Left of the political spectrum. We
must deport all illegals and secure the borders with a giant wall, fence or moat. Something that will keep us safe on the issue of homeland security and will protect our economy from those who desire to destroy it. Illegal immigrants going into Mexico from the United States are immediately deported but for some reason, some people believe that there is nothing wrong with having a double-standard here in this country. We allow illegals and Mexico does not. Bush needs to crawl out of Vincente Fox's bed and let these illegals know that we have those two objects below the belt and that we will not allow illegal immigration nor will we help those who come into this country illegally.
You do not reward an illegal action, people!
To me, all I heard was amnesty, amnesty, amnesty in most of Bush's speech that did not deal with the National Guard deployment. We cannot and should not be dishing out amnesty. We have a slew of illegals in our country right now who should not be here because they are here illegally.
I know deporting all of them is unlikely but it would be something I would like to see.
Also, from what I have heard from those I know, television and talk radio today, Bush did not gain many allies on the Right with the speech nor did he gain many allies on the Left with the speech as well.
And do not get me wrong - the National Guard will help cut down on the flow of illegals but I just do not think it will be enough. I think Arnold put it well when he called it a "Band-Aid" solution to the problem.
What we need to do is build a wall like the one that the Minutemen have been proposing. The security fence protecting Israel has seen plenty of success and a similar creation in the U.S. should see similar results, I believe.