It's the sound of Satan and his army of demons laughing from the depths of Hell. They're cracking up. They're elated.
The cause for celebration is because, once again, a large group of humans are helping carry out their destructive campaign to slaughter every human life on this planet and to keep as many as they can from knowing and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. About 10,000 people in the state of South Dakota have loaded their figurative firing squad rifles and are hoping to be able to fire them at the unborn as if they were lined up ready to be executed.
Their goal is to acquire the 17,000 signatures needed to qualify for the June 19 deadline to push their protest of the state's legislation that would make abortion, the type of large-scale baby slaughtering system that would make Adolf Hitler smile in his grave, illegal. They argue that their right to murder is protected in the Constitution under a phantom "right to privacy."
If only we could find where that line is in the Constitution. I've looked. Maybe we should turn it over and look for the purple crayon on the back where Jefferson and Franklin wrote it at the last minute because folks in the future will want to butcher the children of the future in a painful, destructive medical process that holds no purpose but to encourage purposeless sex and blatant promiscuity.
Anne Thompson, one of the minions of death as a petition carrier in Sioux Falls,
told the Christian Post: "The people of South Dakota have the right to express their opinion on this very controversial, very sensitive issue of which there is much division."
Somebody hand this woman a medal. She acts as if she is the champion of freedom ... well, everyone's freedom but the dead children put to death before their God-given right to life was allowed to occur. Sorry, I had to tag that on there. Otherwise, people would assume that Thompson was trying to be the champion of freedom for everyone.

What is bizarre is how these folks cannot understand how the government works and has worked in this situation. The people have already spoken. They elected their leaders, those leaders decided to take a stand against the Great Holocaust, voted on it, made a law and are working on putting it into place. That is how the government works, people.
But then again, these people do have a right to want to kill peoplem, right?. To the right is a pic of some random children I found on the Internet. Here's a question to the abortion lovers out there:
if you cannot come to grips to whip out a pistol and pop off these kids, why are you so easily able to whip out the knife and suck out the life of the unborn? Because you cannot see their faces when they die? Because you claim you have the power? Why?