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Friday, May 19, 2006
The process of defending English has finally begun. Yesterday, the Senate voted to make English the national language of this great country and to direct the government to "preserve and enhance" the role of English in the United States.

Well, it sure took 'em long enough.

I have been a strong opponent of foreign language. I took Spanish 1 and 2 in middle school in the International Baccalaureate program and finished the requirements of the county I was in at the time by taking Spanish 3 in 9th grade.

Afterwards, I was quick to forget every bit of Espanol that I learned in those classes. This is America, people, not Mexico or Spain or Puerto Rico. Americans speak the English language.

People who oppose what I have done argue that "well, you might need to use it one day" and they are probably right. If I were to take a trip to Spain or Mexico sometime in my life, I certainly would need to know Spanish. After all, most of the people in those respective countries speak Spanish. If I were to take a trip to France, I would need to learn French. If I were to take a trip to Russia, I would need to learn Russian. And so on, folks. You get the picture.

But for some reason, the government has sat idly by for years and refused to declare English the official language of this country. Why? Because it isn't true? No, that's certainly not it. You would be hard pressed to find someone who could make an honest argument that the majority of people in this country speak a language other than English.

Finally, the day has come that Americans, represented by their Congressmen, have taken a stand for English. The 63-34 vote in the Senate is the first step to protecting English from the liberal attack on it via the education system's insistence on learning foreign languages and from ignorant immigrants (legal or illegal) who refuse to adopt the language of the country they now live in.

What makes this move by the Senate even greater are some of the other things that the measure would put into place. It would set requirements that immigrants seeking US citizenship need to know both US history and the English language. No more "si, George Washington era el primer presidente de los E.E.U.U.." It would also require more thorough testing to demonstrate proper knowledge of those requirements such as knowing the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem (the real one, not the fake Hispanic one made recently).

Of course, those on the Left were on the side of the opposition (surprise, surprise). Harry Reid, every Democrat's favorite google-eyed frizzy liberal besides that of dictatress Hillary Clinton, called the move "racist."

But then again, we all know that most prominent Democrats hate this country and what it stands for anyways. That's why they've tried to destroy our nation's Judeo-Christian values, our borders, our language, our culture, our churches, the sanctity of marriage, our schools, the ..., the ...

I could go on for a while, people. Thank God for the Republicans in the Senate who are actually interested in preserving America.
posted by Blake Fought @ 5/19/2006 01:25:00 PM  
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