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ABC Impeaches "Commander in Chief"
Friday, May 05, 2006
Not long after former Ku Klux Klanmans Robert Byrd, the pork-lavishing senator from the state of West Virginia declared that the Senate can impeach President George W. Bush, an impeachment took place in the world of American politics and it dealt with the office of the President of the United States.

Only, it was not Bush who ended up getting the axe, it was President Mackenzie Allen.


For those who, like me, did not watch ABC's "Commander in Chief" series about the first woman president, you may not have known who Mackenzie Allen was (emphasis on the word "was"). Allen, played by actress Geena Davis, was the main character in the series that put a female in the Oval Office after the fictional President of the United States fell ill and died, thrusting Allen into the most powerful position in this country.

As the season progressed (yes, I did not watch the series but I can do some research, people) received pressure from all ends of the spectrum, including those who put her in the position because of concerns that she would be incapable of handling the job. In short, Allen is forced to deal with people thinking she is unable to be the President of the United States because she is a woman.

What caused the series to come to a close after only a season and a half? Most believe the formerly most-watched show during the fall season slid in the ratings to the point where ABC decided that it was more of a burden to keep the show going. The slide in ratings has been attributed to two long breaks during the season, changes in the show behind-the-scenes and a move from its original slot on Tuesday nights to Thursdays.

What should come out of the failure of the series? Does this mean that Americans are unwilling to see a woman in the Oval Office? Certainly I would argue that it is possible but I would side that that was not the case. After all, (although I do not buy into polls except the ones that are conducted in November every year) "New York" senator Hilary Clinton and Secretary of State Condolezza Rice have been tabbed as some of the most popular candidates for upcoming 2008 Presidential election for the Democrats and Republicans, respectfully. Further, Davis earned a Golden Globe for her portrayl of Allen during the show's first season. So I do not think that sexism played a part in the show being cancelled.

What we should take from the failure of "Commander in Chief" is how quickly a good show can be ruined by poor decisions by the network that runs it and how easily a show's fan base can fall away as a result of those decisions. FOX's medical drama "House" could also have fallen into the same trap this season as it has been plagued by numerous extended breaks because of "American Idol" among other reasons.

Ultimately, the network is to blame, not the fans or the change of anatomy in the Oval Office for the impeachment of "Commander in Chief."
posted by Blake Fought @ 5/05/2006 06:09:00 PM  
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