Easter. A time for reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A time of celebration of His Resurrection. A time of thanks for His sacrifice so that those of us who know Him and heed His words can bask in the glories that awaits us when we leave this hideous rock. An emotional day. A holy day. A day to make a political statement.
For those of you who, like me, used to watch
Sesame Street back when we were kids, let's play a game that our old Weight Watchers public enemy number one Cookie Monster used to play with what is in my lead paragraph. It's called "One of these things is not like the others" (
a hint for those of you geniuses who couldn't figure it out: it's the last one).
What exactly am I referring to? Well, if you watched the news within the past few days, you likely heard about the hijacking of the White House Easter Egg Roll by those at Family Pride, a pro-gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender group. Yes sir, instead of respecting a religious holiday, every man, man, woman, woman and child came out to make a political statement on one of this world's holiest of days.
It was out of place, out of context, out of the question and revolting.
But even more important, nothing came out of it. Nobody who refused to accept homosexuality prior to April 16th is going to accept homosexuality from now on just because a bunch of gays showed up in mass numbers. It hasn't work at all of the other "I'm gay and I'm proud of it" marches that have blanketed our nation in the past decade and it didn't work yesterday.
If you folks really want to indoctrinate society with the notion that homosexuality is not taboo, you could go back and use the methods that already work: inflitrate the media and education where the Left that runs both organizations will certainly give you your due and program the next generation
through the classroom or through television and the media. Don't forget to brainwash those kids early so get those subliminal and carefully-written messages into next week's
Rugrats, ok?
Family Pride, the group that sponsored the crusade to inflitrate the event with rainbow-colored leis upon the necks of gay couples and their kids like some type of symbol that Family Pride probably thought would be dramatic enough to compete with the Star of David that the Nazis forced the Jews to wear before the Holocaust
said, "There is no more powerful way to change the national discussion around our families and our rights than to introduce ourselves to our neighbors on a grand scale."
Family Pride hopes that the cause will garner respect for homosexual couples and gay rights ... but they have no problem with disrespecting Christianity as a result by trying to turn an event celebrating Christianity's greatest moment into a political statement. Apparently these guys haven't heard of the saying by American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson that says that "men are respectable only as they respect."
Shoving the rainbow (
and might I add, the "new" meaning of the rainbow, not the original meaning) in the face of the world on a religious holiday isn't going to get you far, folks. Would the Rainbow Confederation be irked by Christians showing up at
Gay Day at Disney World, taking up all the seats on the rides and blocking the rest of the Rainbow Confederation from enjoying their time celebrating their lifestyle? I bet they would.
What exactly are we supposed to do as a result of this protest? We already know that there are homosexuals out there. We already know that they have kids. We already know that there are families out there with two "daddies" and two "mommies." So what is this protest supposed to do? Have us accept that which we see as a sin as not a sin? Sorry, but unless you can get the Lord to change His mind (
which won't happen), nothing's going to change.
People can be tolerant of anything (
such as homosexuality) but cannot accept everything. We think it's a sin and no protest, no massive showing of numbers on a holy day is going to change that. I'm sorry, but it looks like this mission was a failure.