Ah, yes. The glorious time that we all know as EXAM WEEK. A time of panic, coffee and multiple lost hours of sleep or, for some people, those surprise two hour naps on your trusty textbook-pillow.
Yes, dear readers, I intend to write up this weekend's Randomness article (Chicago Cubs baseball and the NFL Draft can set things back a bit...) but I just wanted to drop by and wish everyone the best on their exams from all of the folks here at the ever-expanding RUnderground.
As always, we are still expanding our writing staff and anyone who wishes to join can feel free to email me at my Radford email. This site will keep running during the summer so you can still submit articles and read them at your pleasure.
But again, good luck on your exams this upcoming week, Radford faithful. Summer is not far away! The warm days filled with sunshine and chillin' at the pool or just plain kicking back and watching America's Favorite Pastime are almost here.
Your first step is on the doorstep. Just make sure that you bring the second foot in right with good exam grades instead of stumbling into the doorway.